'Do you not know how to drive?': 2 men walking on Victoria Park Rd spew expletives at driver, thump his car

Another road kerfuffle.

Natalie Ong| August 06, 2024, 12:32 PM

An unpleasant exchange between two pedestrians and a driver earlier this week resulted in expletives being hurled.

The incident occurred along Victoria Park Road around 1:30pm on Aug. 4, according to a Mothership reader.

The reader, who was behind the wheel and wishes to remain anonymous, had honked twice to alert two men ahead on the road.

Both men were walking side by side along the single-lane road.

From the video, the pair did not appear to have acknowledged the honks.

The reader mentioned that when he honked for a third time, the man in red then turned around sharply and walked towards the driver, gesturing angrily.

Photo courtesy of Mothership reader.

Back and forth

Things escalated quickly from thereon.

The reader tried to explain that the men were blocking the road, but the pedestrian had retorted that he was merely walking on the road as there was no footpath available.

Despite the reader's suggestion to walk by the side of the road, the man responded with expletives and questioned the reader's driving ability.

Photo courtesy of Mothership reader.

Here is an excerpt of the exchange that took place between them:

Driver: "You're blocking the road. You're walking along the main road."

Man (in red): "I'm not blocking the road. I'm walking on it. Do you see a sidewalk?"

Driver: "But at least you can walk to the side right?"

Man (in red): "Well, do you see a sidewalk? No, you don't. Can you not go on the right?"

Driver: "There is a vehicle coming [on the other lane] right?"

At this point, the man's companion walks over, and one of the pair asks: "Do you not know how to drive?"

The driver told Mothership that he "didn't wanna waste [his] time arguing", and thus attempted to leave.

One of the men shouted "No, f*ck you, man" and can be heard hitting the car as it drove off.

The reader who raised this incident added, “It’s understandable that you have to walk on the road if there are no pavements, but do it in single file and keep to the side."

When asked if the reader had filed a police report or made an official complaint to LTA, the reader mentioned that he will be making a police report.

The identities of the two men are unknown.

Pedestrian code of conduct

According to the Active Mobility Act, pedestrians should travel on a footpath if one has a choice between travelling on a footpath or shared path.

In addition, a pedestrian should keep as far to the left as it is practical except when overtaking another pedestrian on the footpath or shared path.

If there is no footpath and one has to walk along the road, then walk as close as possible to the edge of the road, the Singapore Highway Code states.

One should also avoid using any mobile communication device while walking along the road.

Top photo courtesy of Mothership reader