Male S'poreans & PRs born between Oct. 1, 2007 & Jan. 1, 2008 reminded to register for NS

It's time.

Amber Tay| July 16, 2024, 01:43 PM

The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) has announced the latest call for male citizens and permanent residents (PRs) in Singapore who have come of age to register for National Service (NS).

The call is specifically for those born between Oct. 1, 2007, and Jan. 1, 2008.

Registration can be done online or in person

Men who fit the requirements must register for NS between Jul. 31 and Aug. 20, 2024, both dates included.

There are two avenues for them to do so:

  1. Online at this link
  2. In person, at the Central Manpower Base (CMPB) Podium located at 3 Depot Road, Singapore 109680.

Registrants must go for a medical examination

Unless informed otherwise by the proper authority, each registrant must appoint a date between Oct. 1, 2024, and Nov. 4, 2024, to go for his medical examination while registering for NS, both dates included.

Otherwise, the registrant may go for his medical examination at CMPB on the appointed date between 8am and 1pm.

Deferment for further studies

Deferment can be granted to those pursuing full-time GCE ‘A’ Level, polytechnic diploma studies, or a similar equivalent if they meet the deferment conditions stipulated by MINDEF.

Eligible applicants should check CMPB's website for information on NS deferment, pre-enlistment process, and Exit Permit requirements before proceeding with the application.

More information on the deferment eligibility criteria for further studies can be found via this link.

Deferment may also be granted to exceptional sportsmen who are assessed to be potential medal winners for Singapore at top-tier international competitions such as the Olympic Games.

Such cases are assessed in consultation with the Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth (MCCY).

Singaporean world champion kitefoiler Maximilian Maeder, 17, was recently granted full-time National Service (NS) deferment until after the 2028 Summer Olympics.

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