East Coast Park areas B & E now open for land activities after oil spill cleanup, waters still off-limits

There is a need to ensure water quality has returned to normal before water activities can resume.

Nigel Chua| July 22, 2024, 01:23 PM

Parts of East Coast Park were among the areas closed in the wake of an oil spill in Singapore's waters in June 2024.

On Jul. 22, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Grace Fu announced that East Coast Park would be reopening, with the completion of clean-up efforts in Areas B and E of the park.

Fu shared that visitors can now return to these areas in the park for land-based activities.

However, swimming and water sports "will have to wait for the time being", Fu shared, saying there was a need to ensure water quality has returned to normal.

The beachfront areas at East Coast Park from Areas B to H were closed since Jun. 15.

In her post on Jul. 22, Fu also expressed thanks to the cleaners and volunteers who were involved in combing the areas over the last weekend.

Fu had previously shared that volunteers would be mobilised in helping cleaning staff comb the beaches for tar balls, which are remnant oil deposits that have hardened and mixed with sand.

Top photo via Grace Fu on Facebook