Cat found furless & malnourished in Bukit Batok, weighed just 2.4kg

SPCA says it has multiple health conditions but is recovering.

Seri Mazliana| July 31, 2024, 03:00 PM

A cat in Bukit Batok was recently spotted by a resident in a malnourished state.

In a post shared on the Sayang Our Singapore's Community Cats' Facebook page on Jul. 30, the cat was seen at the void deck near a drain reduced almost to skin and bones with its fur gone.

The area it was spotted at has been identified as Block 465A Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 and it was seen at 1pm.

Appeared malnourished and without its fur

Speaking to Mothership, Vera Young said it was her first time seeing the cat.

In her post, she wrote that she had spotted it in the area in a "severely malnourished" state.

The cat's eyes were reportedly red and its fur also appeared to be "balding" across more than half of its body.

Young also called on the community cat feeders in the area to offer help, as she was handling two children and could not secure the cat at that time.

Screenshot via Sayang Our Singapore's Community Cats on Facebook.

Cat found to have multiple health conditions: SPCA

In response to Mothership queries, executive director of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Aarthi Sankar said the organisation was alerted to the case on Jul. 30.

The cat was brought back to the Community Animal Clinic at SPCA for medical attention.

According to Sankar, veterinarian checks revealed that the male cat was found to have multiple health conditions including feline flu, dehydration, dental disease and ear infection caused by yeast.

He also only weighs 2.4kg.

Normal healthy cats can weigh about two to three times that weight.

Sankar added that the cat has been given fluid therapy and medication, as well as a vaccine and topical antiparasitic for preventative care.

He is currently recovering at the SPCA.

"We are grateful to our community cat caregivers and members of the public for their vigilance and proactiveness in seeking help for the cat," Sankar said.

Top photo via Vera Young/Facebook