President Zelensky meets President Tharman, PM Wong, Ukraine & S'pore sign Air Services Agreement

Zelensky is in Singapore to attend the Shangri-La Dialogue.

Sulaiman Daud| June 02, 2024, 08:02 PM

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is in Singapore, having attended the Shangri-La Dialogue where he gave a speech about the invasion by Russia, and the role that diplomacy plays during wartime.

While here, Zelensky met with Singapore's President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, and presided over the signing of the Air Services Agreement between Ukraine and Singapore at the Istana.

Meeting President Tharman

According to a press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President Tharman and Zelensky reaffirmed the warm and friendly ties between Singapore and Ukraine.

"Both presidents had a wide-ranging discussion on regional and international developments and agreed on the importance of adherence to international law and the principles of the UN Charter in resolving conflicts."

Photo via MCI.

Meeting PM Wong

During Zelensky's meeting with PM Wong, both leaders discussed key global developments and agreed that the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of all countries must be respected.

They also discussed potential sectors that Ukraine and Singapore could deepen cooperation on the bilateral front, such as in trade and economic relations.

Photo via MCI

Air Services Agreement

Zelensky and PM Wong also witnessed the signing of the Ukraine-Singapore Air Services Agreement (ASA), which helps boost air connectivity between Ukraine and Singapore.

According to a press release from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, the agreement was signed by Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat and Ukraine's Ambassador to Singapore, Kateryna Zelenko.

Photo via MCI

The agreement replaces a previous one from 2011. According to CAAS:

"The ASA allows airlines of both sides to operate unlimited frequencies of passenger and cargo services utilising third and fourth freedom traffic rights between Singapore and any point in Ukraine, with no restrictions on capacity, routing, and aircraft type.

The agreement also provides a more conducive regulatory and business framework for airlines to operate air services between the two countries."

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Zelensky also shared that he met with representatives of "leading investment companies" in Singapore.

"Even in the midst of war, the Ukrainian economy is finding ways to develop and grow, adapting to new circumstances. I am grateful to those Singaporean businessmen who continue to work in Ukraine and maintain employment."

Among the people he met with was Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara, CEO of Temasek Holdings.

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Top image via MCI.