S'porean, 36, gets treated at 3 dental clinics in Orchard, tells staff he needs toilet & runs away, gets jail

He used the same modus operandi in all the cases.

Ilyda Chua| June 13, 2024, 07:05 PM

At the end of his visit to a dental clinic, Ryosuke Tanaka would tell the staff he needed to go to the washroom.

They'd wait for him to return to make payment, but in vain; he'd disappear, uncontactable and unresponsive.

Over four years, the 36-year-old Singaporean skipped out on paying for over S$7,000 worth of dental treatments.

He was sentenced to five months' jail on Jun. 12 for three counts of dishonestly obtaining services.

First incident

On Jan. 18, 2024, Tanaka sought a root canal treatment at a dental clinic in Orchard Road.

Before the treatment began, the dentist explained the cost and number of appointments required, to which Tanaka agreed.

At the end of the treatment, when he was asked to make payment, he told the staff he was going to a washroom outside the clinic.

But he did not return.

Despite calling four different contact numbers previously provided by Tanaka, the clinic received no response.

The next day, the dentist made a police report.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Cheronne Lim noted that the treatment was worth S$790.25.

Despite knowing that he was supposed to pay for the service rendered, he had not intended to do so, she said.

Second incident

The second incident took place on Jan. 23, at another Orchard clinic.

The same day, Tanaka called the clinic to request an urgent appointment for a dental crown.

He said that he had an accident while boxing and urgently required treatment for a dinner appointment that night.

Against the dentist's advice, Tanaka insisted on a one-day crown — which, in contrast to a traditional crown, uses digital technology and as such costs more.

He then insisted on going to a washroom located outside the clinic, despite the nurse advising him to stay in the treatment room to allow the cement to set.

As with the previous time, he did not return.

Attempts to contact him through different numbers were also all unsuccessful. The clinic receptionist subsequently made a report.

The value of this procedure: S$2,956.08.

Third incident

The third incident took place on Feb. 22, also in a clinic located at the Orchard area.

Tanaka visited the clinic, complaining of pain in his molar, and asked the dentist to continue root canal treatment which had been commenced by another dentist.

Although the doctor felt that the previous treatment had been done well, she agreed to repeat the treatment to ensure that there would not be nerve upset or infection.

She also told him that the treatment — which would include a second stage later on — would cost S$1,700. Tanaka agreed.

Upon completing the day's treatment, Tanaka was asked to wait at the counter.

But again, he said that he was going to a washroom outside the clinic, and absconded.

He also proved unreachable through calls and texts.

The cost of this third treatment: S$1,035.50.

Not acci-dental

In total, he skipped out on S$4,781.83 worth of payments, the court heard.

He also had not intended to make payment despite repeatedly engaging the clinics for treatment.

The deputy public prosecutor noted that he had used the same modus operandi in all three cases.

The court also heard that Tanaka had previously absconded after receiving dental treatments on four separate occasions between May 2020 and October 2022, totalling S$2,222.55 in value.

Charges relating to these instances of non-payment were taken into consideration for Tanaka's sentencing.

Lim observed that apart from the actual treatment, the staff members of the clinics expended time and effort to search for him at the washrooms where he claimed to be at, as well as in their attempts to contact him.

He has since made full restitution to the three Orchard clinics.

For each count of obtaining services in a dishonest or fraudulent manner, Tanaka could have been jailed for up to 10 years, fined, or both.

Top image from Quang Tri Nguyen/Unsplash