Fines not enough to deter beggars as some earn up to S$3,670 in a month: Thai minister

Pretty lucrative.

Fiona Tan | June 13, 2024, 06:35 PM



Begging is considered illegal in Thailand, and those who are caught can be jailed for up to one month, fined up to 10,000 baht (S$367), or both.

But this fine is a pittance compared to what beggars can earn, with some reportedly earning up to 100,000 baht (S$3,670) per month soliciting alms in tourist hotspots during peak season, Bangkok Post reported.

And this is the reason why some keep going back to the trade.

Increasing complaints of beggars on the streets

Thai authorities have arrested around 8,000 beggars in the 10 years between 2014 to 2024, of which around 30 per cent are foreigners.

Thailand's Social Development and Human Security Minister Varawut Silpa-archa shared this on Jun. 11, 2024, The Nation reported.

The minister was responding to complaints on social media that there are more beggars on the streets, especially outside large shopping malls in Bangkok.

He said his ministry was not ignoring the issue and they are cooperating with the local authorities to patrol the streets at least five times a month to crack down on beggars.

Locals caught begging will be sent to a facility belonging to the ministry to undergo career training, and reoffenders will face criminal charges, he said.

Meanwhile, foreigners will be deported.

Urged public to stop giving beggars money

The minister, however, conceded that it was difficult to remove all the beggars because the fine against them was meagre compared to what they earned from begging.

Some of these beggars use new methods to tug at the heartstrings of passersby heartstrings, such as begging with young children or pets.

The minister said those caught begging with children who are not related to them will face criminal charges.

He said his ministry is on standby round the clock to receive complaints and encouraged the public to report beggar sightings so that they can respond immediately, Khaosod English reported.

He also urged the public to stop giving money to beggars, saying that is is the only way to deal with the issue.

Top image from Lazy Tourist/YouTube