Governance lapse found during routine review, SNEF president Robert Yap resigns

In a statement to the media, Yap wrote: "It is never easy but I have done what I can. It is also time to hand over the reins of leadership."

Nigel Chua| June 11, 2024, 04:35 PM

President of the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF), Robert Yap, is resigning from his role as the organisation's president.

He will also resign from his role as a council member.

SNEF said in a Jun. 11 statement that the SNEF council — the federation's policy-making body — was "informed of a governance procedural lapse" during a routine internal review.

SNEF did not elaborate further on the nature of the lapse, but said it "promptly engaged" an external consultant to review its internal processes, and the review is underway.

"The Council holds itself and the Management to the highest standards of governance," said SNEF.

The organisation added that its council is "not aware" of any financial implications arising from the lapse at this point.

In its statement, SNEF said the council would continue its work of advancing tripartism and enhancing labour market flexibility.

SNEF also appended a statement by Yap, who said his past decade of service to SNEF was his honour.

He wrote:

"I have worked hard to advance the interests of my members and tripartism in Singapore. It is never easy but I have done what I can. It is also time to hand over the reigns of leadership."

Yap acknowledged the council's decision to engage an external consultant to conduct an independent review, saying it was "always good" to review governance procedures.

"I wish SNEF the very best and I remain committed to tripartism in Singapore," he added.

MOM has requested update on outcome of review

Commenting on Yap's resignation, a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) spokesperson said MOM was informed of the decision by SNEF.

MOM also said it was informed of SNEF's review of its internal processes following the lapse that was discovered.

MOM's spokesperson added:

"While there is no indication of any financial implications arising from this lapse thus far, MOM has requested SNEF to provide us with an update on the outcome of their review and to share key documentation with MOM as soon as it is completed."

The spokesperson said MOM will assess its next course of action thereafter.

"There will be no change to the tripartite process. MOM will continue to work with SNEF as our tripartite partner to advance our economic and social goals for Singapore," added the spokesperson.

NTUC thanks Yap and SNEF

The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) also confirmed it was notified of Yap's resignation by SNEF.

NTUC said it had worked closely with Yap since September 2014, and expressed its appreciation to Yap and SNEF for their "many contributions" to the labour movement and to workers.

Top photo by Mothership