Diner pulls off armbar on sex shop owner in Sim Lim Square fight

Likely the first recorded instance of a successful armbar attempt in a public fight in Singapore.

Belmont Lay| June 12, 2024, 06:38 PM

A fight broke out between two men — a diner and a sex shop owner — in Sim Lim Square, resulting in one man successfully pulling off an armbar attempt on the other man, which was possibly the first recorded instance of such a move in a public fight in Singapore.

Footage of the physical altercation was shared on Telegram.

According to Shin Min Daily News, the Jun. 5 fight on the second floor of the mall, known for its electronic gadgets, was between a diner queuing up at the 3 Meals A Day eatery and the owner of the sex shop beside the food place.

The source of the dispute was reportedly the result of the diner in the queue partly blocking the entrance of the sex shop.

The Chinese media identified the diner as a man dressed in black, while the sex shop owner was the one with blonde hair.

What video showed

The video of the altercation showed both men having a go at each other, but it appeared that the diner was having the upper hand.

The sex shop owner could be seen getting up to his feet, only to be slammed into the shutters of his shop, which were down at that time.

Image via sgfollowsall

The men then tussled, with the diner establishing a dominant position, as the sex shop owner's back was on the ground.

The diner managed to throw at least five punches with his right hand, and two bystanders attempted to break up the fight to no avail.

The attempts at separating the men only resulted in the sex shop owner being dragged across the ground, with the diner continuing to hold him down.

The diner then managed to transition to an armbar, which saw him position his legs across the chest of the sex shop owner to pin him down, while trying to straighten his opponent's left arm, a move that causes significant discomfort.

Image via sgfollowsall

One man, believed to be the diner, could be heard shouting, "You punch my face first."

A misunderstanding?

The owner of 3 Meals A Day said this was the first time such an incident had occurred in three years.

She added that even though the queue at her eatery might be longer during peak hours, she has maintained good relations with the neighbouring shops' proprietors and believes this incident was the result of a misunderstanding between both parties.

The 3 Meals A Day eatery allows diners to join a queue to place their orders before they are directed by staff to their allocated seats.

This is to control the flow of customers on a first-come-first-serve basis, as explained by Shin Min.

However, the source of the dispute was not completely made known.

The sex shop proprietor declined to comment when asked to respond by Shin Min.

The reporter observed that he had a black eye.

Another instance of jiu-jitsu in real life:

Top photos via sgfollowsall Telegram