Policewoman in Indonesia burns policeman husband alive for gambling bonus away

He was handcuffed to a folding ladder before she poured gasoline all over his body and lit a match.

Keyla Supharta| June 14, 2024, 12:00 AM

A 28-year-old female police officer in East Java, Indonesia, burned her husband to death after he nearly depleted his 13th-month salary on online gambling.

The husband, 27, was also a police officer and often spent their earnings on online gambling instead of supporting their three children, reported CNN Indonesia and Tempo.

Brought back plastic bottle containing gasoline

The arson attack started with an argument between the husband and wife on Saturday (Jun. 8).

Prior to the altercation, the wife, a brigadier in the East Java Police Fadhilatun Nikmah, brought back a plastic bottle containing gasoline to their house at a police dormitory.

She proceeded to send a photo of the plastic bottle containing gasoline and threatened her husband, Brigadier Rian Dwi Wicaksono, also of the East Java Police, that she would burn their children if he didn't return home.

Fadhilatun then asked her babysitter to take her three young children to play outside. Her two smallest children are twins who are only four months old.

Handcuffed to folding ladder, poured gasoline

Rian returned home shortly after.

Fadhilatun proceeded to ask about how he used his 13th-month bonus salary as there was only 800,000 rupiah (S$66.53) left.

At the beginning of the month, Rian received his 13th month's salary from the government, amounting to 2.8 million rupiah (S$232.86).

He reportedly used the money on online gambling.

During the argument, Fadhilatun handcuffed Rian to a folding ladder in the garage and poured gasoline all over her husband's body.

She then lit a match and burned her husband alive.

Screamed for help, tried to leave garage

The fire quickly spread on Rian's body.

He screamed for help and tried to leave the garage but was unable to as it was blocked by a car, and his hand was handcuffed to the folding ladder.

A neighbour who heard his scream immediately went into the garage and helped to put out the fire.

An ambulance then arrived to give Rian first aid.

At the same time, the incident was also reported to the police leadership.

96 per cent burn

Rian reportedly suffered a 96 per cent burn and was immediately rushed to a general hospital in East Java.

He underwent intensive treatment and reportedly regained consciousness but ultimately couldn't be saved.

He was declared dead on Sunday (Jun. 9) at 12:55pm.

Detained, children receiving psychological assistance

Fadhilatun is currently being detained in an Integrated Service Centre, said the Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police Dirmanto, as reported by Detik.

According to Dirmanto, there were several considerations for not detaining Fadhilatun in detention. This includes having three young toddlers.

"The suspect has three children under five who must be looked after, [and there are] special rights for children in accordance to the law."

Meanwhile, Fadhilatun's three young children would receive psychological assistance, according to Detik.

Top image via @liputannetindo/X and @undercover_net7/X