Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, net worth S$135 billion, signs woman's chest at Taiwan computer expo

Tech CEOs are new rock stars.

Tharun Suresh| June 06, 2024, 12:26 PM

When it comes to rockstars, actors and athletes, signing a woman's chest can come with the territory.

Ronaldinho did it in 2021, and it went viral on social media.

So did Brock Lesnar on an episode of Smackdown.

Even Donald Trump, at a campaign stop in Iowa for the 2016 election, of all places, signed a waitress's chest, testing the limits of the word "presidential".

But at a tech convention?

A technology convention is the last place we would expect such shenanigans. Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai hardly give off "rockstar" vibes.

Yet it would seem that 61-year-old, leather-clad co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Nvidia, Jensen Huang, has achieved some amount of "rockstar" status.

When he turned up at a tech expo, Computex, in Taipei, Taiwan on Jun. 5, 2024, a woman approached him to have her right chest signed.

Computex is an annual computer expo held in Taipei. It is one of the largest computer and technology conventions in the world.

Huang looked a bit awkward at the outset, and can be seen asking someone off-camera if it was a good idea before doing so, in a video posted to Threads by user Chen:

GIF from __199504__/Threads

A photo, posted by another user Chinlun319 on Threads, showed a picture of the signing.

The people in the back of the photo look a little perplexed, or even displeased:

Photo from Chinlun319/Threads.

This was the result, as posted by user Dare Obasanjo:

Photo from carnage4life/Threads.

What is Nvidia?

Nvidia is known for its graphics processing units (GPUs).

As of February 2024, it has grown exponentially in value, surpassing even Alphabet and Amazon in valuation thanks to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) boom powered by Nvidia chips.

Huang's personal net worth, which is tied to Nvidia, is about US$100 billion (S$135 billion)

Most of Nvidia's high-end chip production is done in Taiwan, explaining Huang's appearance at a tech convention there.

Huang himself was born in Taiwan.

Huang, a public-facing and outspoken CEO, has touted the capabilities and potential of AI technology.

The company also claims to be building an AI supercomputer called Eos.

Huang always appears in cool, dark leather jackets, and has become an icon of the tech industry.

Top photo from Chinlun319/Threads & carnage4life/Threads.