More S'poreans supportive of LGBT+ rights than not, but many still on the fence: Ipsos survey 2024

A large portion of Singaporean respondents remained undecided about many issues.

Tharun Suresh| June 11, 2024, 06:47 PM

An Ipsos survey released on Jun. 10, 2024, looked at attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other (abbreviated as LGBT+) issues worldwide, including Singapore.

The results, taken from a relatively small sample of Singaporeans, suggested that more Singaporeans were generally supportive of rights for LGBT+ people than opposed.

The polled Singaporeans appeared relatively divided on issues, such as same-sex marriage, but largely agreed that LGBT+ people should be protected from discrimination when it came to housing or employment.

All the same, a large portion of Singaporean respondents remained undecided about many issues.

Singapore, nevertheless, came in at the lower half of the 26 surveyed countries for most of the polled issues, ranked according to levels of support for measures in favour of LGBT+ people.

How was survey conducted

The survey was conducted online from Feb. 23, 2024 to Mar. 8, 2024, and looked at 26 countries.

A total of 500 participants were surveyed in Singapore, aged 21 to 74.

Generally supportive towards LGBT+

The survey asked participants whether they supported a range of LGBT+ behaviours.

The data showed that while most are supportive, there is also a large tranche expressing uncertainty and undecidedness.

Amongst the Singaporean participants, 45 per cent indicated support for LGBT+ people being open about their sexuality or gender identity, while 15 per cent indicated that they were opposed.

Some 40 per cent were neither supportive nor opposed.

On the other hand, 27 per cent supported public displays of affection like kissing or holding hands by LGBT+ people, while 30 per cent were opposed, and 43 per cent were on the fence.

Support for LGBT+ rights

Some 73 per cent of polled Singaporeans indicated that LGBT+ people should be "protected from discrimination in employment, housing, and access to businesses such as restaurants and stores", while only 15 per cent were opposed.

At the same time, the Singaporean respondents were divided about anti-discrimination laws for LGBT+ people.

Some 40 per cent were supportive of laws banning discrimination against LGBT people when it came to "employment, access to education, housing and social services", while 20 per cent were opposed.

This left 40 per cent on the fence.

While respondents generally were supportive of LGBT+ rights being protected, they were less keen on anti-discrimination laws being instituted.

Same-sex marriage

The survey also looked at attitudes towards same-sex relationships, and the issue of same-sex marriage.

The polled Singaporeans seemed generally divided on the issue of same-sex marriage, with explicit support slightly outweighing the other tranches.

Some 33 per cent said same-sex marriage should be legalised, while 21 per cent said same-sex couples should be allowed to receive some kind of legal recognition but not to marry.

Some 25 per cent were opposed to same-sex marriage and any kind of legal recognition.

The remaining 21 per cent said they were "not sure".

Singapore ranked the second-lowest on support for same-sex marriage being legalised, just above Türkiye.

Same-sex couples with children

More Singaporeans were supportive of same-sex couples adopting and raising children than not.

With regards to the right of same-sex couples to adopt children, 57 per cent of the polled Singaporeans indicated support, while 30 per cent were opposed.

Similarly, 56 per cent of the Singaporean respondents believed that same-sex couples could raise children just as well as heterosexual couples, while 29 per cent disagreed.

Support for transgender people

The survey also examined public support for transgender issues.

Amongst Singaporeans, 67 per cent believed that transgender people face "a great deal/ fair amount" of discrimination, while 18 per cent said they did not face much discrimination, or at all.

On the issue of gender-affirming care, 66 per cent of Singaporeans agreed that "with parental consent, transgender teenagers should be allowed to receive gender-affirming care (e.g., counselling and hormone replacement treatment)", while 20 per cent disagreed.

Interestingly, Singapore was fourth-highest on the list of 26 countries when it came to gender-affirming care, below Chile, Italy and Thailand.

Polled Singaporeans also generally indicated support for transgender rights, with 73 per cent agreeing that transgender people should be protected from discrimination in "employment, housing, and access to businesses such as restaurants and stores", and 16 per cent disagreeing.

Some 53 per cent of Singaporeans agreed that transgender people should be allowed to use single-sex facilities like public toilets that correspond with their gender identity, while 29 per cent disagreed.

Worldwide gender divides

There was a noticeable divide in attitudes towards LGBT+ issues that corresponded to the gender of the survey respondents, particularly amongst Generation Z males and females.

The 26-country averages showed that, on the whole, female Gen Zers were more likely to support LGBT+ issues than male Gen Zers.

On the issue of laws banning discrimination against LGBT+ people, for instance, 61 per cent of female Gen Zers were supportive, while only 46 per cent of male Gen Zers supported such laws.

"Young men and women are coming of age alongside each other but their views are sharply diverging on some societal topics," Ipsos said.

More about survey methodology

Ipsos said the data was weighted such that the sample would reflect the overall demographic profile of the adult population.

The sample participants from Singapore were, according to Ipsos, "more urban, more educated, and/ or more affluent than the general population".

The results were also sorted according to the generation of the respondents.

For some results, gender splits were also shown for the worldwide averages.

The results were generally presented on a spectrum, with the data on the ends of the spectrum being reported for questions that queried the "extent" or degree of support respondents had towards certain issues.

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