Lee Hsien Loong urges S'poreans not to believe deepfake video of him 'promoting' investment product

The deepfake video was based on images taken from the 2023 National Day Message.

Fasiha Nazren | June 02, 2024, 02:07 PM



If you've seen videos of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong asking you to sign up for an investment product, it's a scam.

That is a deepfake video, according to a Facebook post by Lee on Jun. 2, 2024.

Denouncing the scam ad, Lee said that artificial and deepfake technology are "getting better by the day".

"On top of mimicking my voice and layering the fake audio over actual footage of me making last year's National Day Message, scammers even synced my mouth movements with the audio."

He added that it is "extremely worrying" as people may be fooled into thinking that he really said those words.

Lee urged his followers to not believe any scam ads featuring him or any other Singapore public office holders promoting investment products.

He also advised his followers to report them to the ScamShield Bot on WhatsApp.

Top image from Lee Hsien Loong's Facebook page.