SCDF firefighter sent to hospital after Jurong Fishery Port Road fire, around 40 people evacuated

He experienced giddiness after the firefighting operation, which required the firefighters to enter a smoke-logged area.

Tanya Ong | June 29, 2024, 10:57 AM



A fire broke out at 15 Fishery Port Road yesterday morning (Jun. 28).

According to a video shared with Lianhe Zaobaolarge amounts of smoke were seen billowing from a two-storey industrial building.

Around 40 persons evacuated

Speaking to Mothership, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said they were alerted to the fire at around 10:25am.

Around 40 persons had evacuated the affected premises before their arrival.

Equipped with breathing apparatus, firefighters from Jurong Island Fire Station and Clementi Fire Station entered the smoke-logged area to locate the seat of the fire.

The fire involved contents of an office measuring 30m by 45m, and was extinguished using two water jets.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

A firefighter was sent to the hospital

One firefighter experienced giddiness during the firefighting operation.

He was assessed by a paramedic and conveyed to a hospital as a precautionary measure, SCDF said.

In a later update, SCDF said the firefighter was discharged from the hospital on Jun. 30 and that they would continue to check on his well-being.

Top photo from screenshots from Lianhe Zaobao's video.