Train ride from hell: LRT passengers shocked by burning buildings in Pudu, M'sia

Very scary.

Keyla Supharta| June 21, 2024, 02:17 PM

It was a raging inferno that appeared ready to engulf petrified Light Rail Transit (LRT) train passengers in Pudu, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

The terrifying incident took place at 8:13pm on Jun. 18.

Raging fire, burning buildings

A short clip posted on Xiaohongshu showed the LRT passing by raging fires and burning buildings outside the train.

Gif via 吧啦啦/Xiaohongshu.

According to the poster, they were on the way home from Pudu towards Chan Sow Lin when they suddenly saw a flash of red from the opposite side of the train.

"I could only watch the fire getting closer and closer to us," the passenger shared in the caption.

The whole car suddenly became hot in a few seconds because of the high temperature from the fire.

As they were shocked by the sight of the fire, they only managed to pull out their phone and record the last few seconds of the incident.

"By the time I came to my senses and picked up my phone to take a video, [the LRT] was already halfway through. But the fire and the LRT were very close, and [it was] scary," said the passenger.

Fire in Jalan Pudu

According to Malaysian media Berita Harianseven squatter houses caught fire on Jun. 18, 2024.

The Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur received a call related to the fire at 8:04pm.

25 personnel were then deployed to the location of the incident in Jalan Pudu.

Six out of the seven squatter houses were completely destroyed, while one house was 40 per cent destroyed.

The fire also involved two-storey shop houses which completely destroyed the upper floor.

Three cars and three motorcycles were also destroyed in the fire.

The fire was successfully extinguished at 1:43am.

No casualties were reported. The cause of the fire and the total loss are still under investigation.

Top image via 吧啦啦/Xiaohongshu.