I tried Coffee Bean’s 5 new Nespresso-compatible capsules as a non-coffee drinker

Plot twist: I might start drinking coffee now.

Hayley Foong| Sponsored| June 12, 2024, 05:59 PM

I’m actually more of a tea person than a coffee person.

I distinctly remember trying coffee for the first time and wondering why people would drink this bitter-tasting liquid every day.

Before I get cancelled, I’d like to preface that I have since become more open to drinking certain types of coffee.

Or as my friends like to say, coffee-flavoured milk.

GIF by Hayley Foong

Even so, I still prefer drinking tea due to its convenience rather than having to make a cup of coffee.

But with colleagues and peers around me constantly consuming coffee, I wondered if coffee is really worth the hype.

That’s why I volunteered to try the five new Nespresso compatible capsules from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (CBTL) to see if I could be converted to a coffee drinker.

New Nespresso compatible capsules

CBTL has recently launched their all-new Nespresso compatible capsules in five coffee variants, consisting of one blend variant and four single origin coffees.

As someone who rarely drinks coffee, much less coffee from capsules, I was pleasantly surprised by the ease and convenience of preparing the coffee.

All I needed to do was to pop the capsule into the machine, pull the lever and press a button.

My coffee was ready in less than 30 seconds.

GIF by Hayley Foong

Even faster than steeping a tea bag.

Employing the help of my colleague Fiona, a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur, here’s what both of us had to say about each drink.

The taste test

Photo by Hayley Foong

  • Ethiopia (S$9.50 per box of 10 capsules)

Ethiopia is a light roast single origin with hints of flora jasmine aroma and lemon citrus flavours.

To ease me into the tasting process, I had mine with the help of some milk.

Photo by Hayley Foong

Both Fiona and I agreed on this being our favourite drink among the five.

Personally, I enjoyed drinking Ethiopia the most as it was light and had fruity notes that made it easy on the taste buds.

Fiona seconded this and described the drink as “light and floral”.

Of all the other coffees, I can see myself, a non-coffee drinker, making this for myself again.

  • Costa Rica (S$9.50 per box of 10 capsules)

Costa Rica is a medium roast single origin coffee from high altitude farms with a fragrant aroma.

Photo by Hayley Foong

Although it is a medium roast coffee, I felt that this was still relatively light, and aromatic with a clean finish.

Fiona added that the fragrant aroma of the coffee, coupled with the light taste of coffee, made it easy on the tongue.

If you’re not into the bitterness of coffee, this is definitely something I would recommend trying.

  • Colombia (S$9.50 per box of 10 capsules)

Colombia is a medium roast single origin with a rich and creamy chestnut aroma.

Photo by Hayley Foong

The nutty aroma was definitely one of the distinct notes of this coffee. It was also slightly more acidic and strong compared to the first two coffees.

Fiona ranked this as her second favourite coffee, attributing it to the coffee’s unique nutty aroma and taste.

  • Bali Blue Moon (S$9.50 per box of 10 capsules)

Bali Blue Moon is a dark roast single origin coffee that boasts a chocolate cherry flavour and smooth walnut finish.

Image from The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

No surprises on who I’m quoting by now…

According to my trusted coffee-connoisseur, Fiona, Bali Blue Moon is the one with the “most classic” coffee taste.

I enjoyed the deep and rich chocolatey aftertaste which added to the smooth and velvety finish.

Definitely one for those who enjoy playing it safe with their coffee.

  • World Blend ‘63 (S$8.50 per box of 10 capsules)

World Blend ‘63 is a blend of six distinct roasts from five different countries, and offers a caramelised aroma and dried fruit tones.

Photo by Hayley Foong

The only blend in the collection, the World Blend ‘63 has a richer and stronger bittersweet taste compared to the other coffees.

This was much stronger than the other coffees we tried earlier and had a subtle caramel aroma.

Fiona noted that the coffee left a distinct bittersweet taste in her mouth, which is something that some might enjoy.

If you like your coffee dark and strong, this might just do the trick.

Purchase yours at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf stores island-wide

A box of 10 capsules will cost S$8.50 for the blend variant and S$9.50 for the single origin variants.

The collection of Nespresso Compatible Capsules is available at Coffee Bean stores island-wide, except Sentosa and Marina Bay Sands.

This sponsored article by The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf got this writer started on her coffee-drinking era.

Top images by Hayley Foong