Chinese football fans transfer money to S'pore keeper Hassan Sunny's nasi padang stall for 'helping' China advance in World Cup

Hassan was also regarded as "the King of Football of the people" with a 10/10 rating.

Winnie Li| June 12, 2024, 01:50 PM

In addition to Singapore football fans, Chinese football fans also held their breath and watched the 2026 World Cup Asian qualifier match between Singapore and Thailand closely on Jun. 11.

This is because, after losing 1-0 to South Korea, the Chinese national football team could only advance to the next round if Singapore did not lose by three or more goals to Thailand. Should Thailand win by three or more goals, they will advance to the next round instead and that would end China's World Cup hopes.

By around 10:30pm, the result was sealed: Singapore lost two goals against Thailand.

Thanked Hassan Sunny for 11 saves

Characterising China's advance to the next round as "a narrow escape from death", Chinese football fans attributed the victory to Singaporean goalkeeper Hassan Sunny.

According to the fans, Hassan made 11 saves during the game, including saving a close shot from Thai player Jaroensak Wonggorn in the 85th minute.

On Chinese sports app Hupu, Hassan was labelled "top-notch goalkeeper" and "the King of Football of the people" with a 10/10 rating.

Screenshot via Hupu

Screenshot via Hupu


User @HupuJR0552834569:

"I cried. Hassan, the King of Football, you are the saviour of China's national football team."

User @HupuJR0489343637:

"Even at the age of 40, Hassan could make 11 saves. He saved China's spot as Asia's top 18 in World Cup 2026!"

Transferred money to Hassan's stall

In addition to praising Hassan, Chinese football fans also highlighted that he owned a Muslim food stall, called "Dapur Hassan", in Tampines and encouraged those who visit Singapore in the future to support his business.

Soon after, the QR payment code for Hassan's stall began circulating amongst Chinese fans, and some decided to transfer money to the stall to express their appreciation.

One fan from Shanghai told Sina News that he was so overjoyed by the advancement of the Chinese football team that the only way he could express his elation was to transfer money to Hassan's stall:

"At first, I wanted to transfer S$188.88 as it was an auspicious number. However, I realised it would mean transferring more than 1,000 yuan, so I calmed myself down immediately and decided to transfer S$50.

S$50 was around 268.88 yuan, which also sounded quite auspicious, so I just made the transfer right away."

"To pay for my love for the Chinese football team, I think this money was well-spent," added the fan.

Other screenshots of payment transfers shared with Sina News show that the transfer amount ranged between S$1 and S$100.

In response, Hassan said, "Xie Xie (thank you in Mandarin), China!" in a video, as his teammate Ilhan Fandi quipped, "He saved China ah."

Screenshot of video from

Also thanked Singapore embassy

After the match, Chinese fans also flooded the Weibo page of the Singapore Embassy in China, expressing their gratitude to the Singapore national football team.

Besides praising the team's "greatness", many fans also said they would pay a visit to Singapore this year to help boost tourism.

Screenshot via Weibo


User @wojiaoxiashenmelaine:

"My brother: I will come to [Singapore] and spend immediately."

User @Lishiyi_01:

"Tonight, I am a fan of Singapore national football team! I will visit Singapore this summer holiday."

"Tonight, because of your great national football team, I felt a tremendous, unparalleled amount of joy. For a long time from now, my joy would be attributed to Singapore. I am so f**king grateful for Singaporeans. Thank you," wrote one commenter.

Screenshot via Weibo

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