I went to Beijing 101 to fix my oily & flaky scalp after years of dyeing my hair.

Tl;dr: It was salvageable.

Khine Zin Htet| Sponsored| June 03, 2024, 06:58 PM

My hair has been an integral part of my identity since I graduated from junior college and finally had the freedom to experiment with hair dye.

I started with an orangey-brown colour (a huge mistake) and moved on to shades of pink and red (very punk rock). Then I tried a purple inner colour (a waste of money) before going full redhead (which I loved).

Photos by Khine Zin Htet

Years of using harmful chemicals and products eventually caught up with me. I noticed my scalp becoming flaky and occasionally spotting dandruff.

So, when I was given the opportunity to visit Beijing 101 Hair Consultants at their NEXNex shopping mall outlet, I jumped at the chance to get my scalp checked.

What I learned at the consultation shocked both the consultant and me.

Very bad scalp condition

When I reached the outlet, I was pleasantly surprised by its modern and minimalist look.

I had always associated Beijing 101 with treatments for hair loss and assumed it catered mainly to older folks.

However, my consultant informed me that many people in their 20s and 30s visit them for scalp problems, just like me.

Before any treatment began, the consultant did a scalp scan for me.

She was clearly shocked and told me my scalp was in dire condition and needed proper treatment.

Photo by Khine Zin Htet

She pointed out areas that were oily and flaky with dandruff. I felt slightly embarrassed but decided to use it as a learning opportunity.

Photo by Beijing 101

It turns out many factors can contribute to poor scalp conditions: diet, sleep habits, hair products, and stress.

Reflecting on my habits, I checked off almost all the factors — a spicy food fanatic, sleeping at 3am daily, and dyeing my hair every six months.

Luckily, the consultant reassured me that my scalp could become healthier with proper treatment and care.

A major intervention

The treatment began with a pre-shampoo application designed to prepare my scalp.

Photo by Ong Li Xin

Throughout the process, the consultant advised me on better scalp care.

She suggested using my fingertips instead of my fingernails to massage my scalp, as it helps to remove dandruff more effectively.

Next, she applied a hair mask to my scalp, emphasising its importance given its condition. The mask helps nourish and restore the scalp's health.

Photos by Ong Li Xin

After about 20 minutes, she rinsed off the mask and washed my hair twice with shampoo.

Then she dried my hair briefly before bringing out a large machine — the Medi Air Jet — that uses high-pressure air to ensure rapid penetration of the active ingredients of a customised hair tonic into the scalp.

Photo by Ong Li Xin

A delightful Meridian Scalp Massage followed this.

It was soothing, and I felt instant relief.

They told me it involves TCM methodology in acupoint massage to dredge the meridians, loosen clustered nodules, and increase oxygen supply to the head, thereby providing the ideal environment for thicker and stronger hair growth.

Also, they claim the massage helps to improve sleep, alleviate headaches, and enhance brain health, among other benefits.

Finally, she placed a "helmet" on my head and explained that it would help rejuvenate my scalp.

Photo by Khine Zin Htet

I found out later that it's called an Alpha Hair Beam, which uses up to 27 laser diodes to do low-level laser therapy.

I was told it's non-invasive and free from side effects and the laser diodes provide a vasodilator effect to stimulate hair growth and improve scalp health.

A clean slate

After the treatment, I couldn't wait to see the results. I already felt lighter, and my scalp felt less itchy and stuffy.

She scanned my scalp again, and the before and after images were mind-boggling.

See for yourself:

Photo from Beijing 101

Photo by Khine Zin Htet

Was my scalp fixed with just one treatment? I asked the consultant.

Of course not. She explained that consistent after-care and customised treatment plans would slowly restore my scalp's health.

Everyone has different scalp and hair conditions, from oily to dry scalp, hair loss, thinning hair that result in poor hair texture (brittle, frizzy, damaged).

I spent a lot of time and money on various products to fix my hair texture and make it look good, but I neglected my scalp.

I thought I was still young and didn’t need to make such an investment. Now, I wish I had visited one sooner.

I'm glad I was able to learn more about the importance of scalp health and experienced a hair and scalp treatment while I was at it.

If you're interested, Beijing 101 is offering a promotional package of just S$50 (U.P. S$624) for their Meridian Hair Growth Treatment First Trial.

Simply sign up here and quote “SHAMPOO” in the discount code box to receive a free 100ml Nourishing Shampoo.

Alternatively, you can Whatsapp them at 96405730 and quote “MSXShampoo” to receive a free 100ml Nourishing Shampoo

If you still have doubts, just know that all formulations used by Beijing 101 includes the active ingredients of premium-grade Chinese herbs like Ginseng/Dang Gui/He Shou Wu. Using technology to extract the ingredients, their treatments do not have a herbal smell but have a pleasant fragrance.

Beijing 101 is also the Most Effective Hair Treatment, based on a research conducted by Ipsos, in Feb. 2024 with 220 customers in Singapore.

You can locate your nearest Beijing 101 Hair Consultants here.

Thank me later.

This sponsored article by Beijing 101 Hair Consultant left this writer with a cleaner scalp and a smile on her face.

Top photos by Khine Zin Htet and Ong Li Xin.