Longtime Workers' Party member Lim Ee Ping dies at 86 from cancer


Ilyda Chua| May 29, 2024, 08:13 PM

Lim Ee Ping, a longtime Workers' Party (WP) member, died on May 29 from cancer.

He was 86 and leaves behind his wife, children, and grandchildren.

In a Facebook post, the party wrote Lim, who had been a member for over six decades, would be remembered "with great fondness".

"He personified the values of resilience and true commitment in the face of adversity. A fighter, right to the end."

Joined in 1959

Lim joined the WP in 1959 at the age of 20, when David Marshall was the secretary-general of the party.

Even after Singapore gained independence, when the party was an "empty city", he rode around on a bicycle to rally and organise members.

He was most proud of the party's modest success, the WP said.

He once said:

"Today, I am satisfied. With the respect I earned from fellow party members, I continue to serve Singapore.

In no time, the baton will be passed to the younger generation. The younger generation of members have to understand and protect the interests of the WP. They need to make sacrifices along the way.

With sincerity, they will in no time find the opportunity to serve."

According to Facebook page Death Kopitiam, he was best known for his "fiery and electrifying" rally speeches in Hokkien.

In a separate Facebook post, WP secretary-general Pritam Singh paid tribute to Lim as "a figure of encouragement and support" for the WP, and saying he was a "natural" speaker. Pritam wrote:

"And what a rally speaker he was...Adept at reading the crowd, and making a point with force and humour in equal measure. Connecting the Workers' Party to a generation of Singaporeans who only knew dialects.

Thank you for your commitment to the cause of a democratic Singapore Uncle Ee Ping, for blazing a trail for the WP, and leaving very big shoes to fill for the rest of us. Rest in Peace Sir."

Fought against cancer

Thrice before, Lim had battled cancer and won.

But a few weeks ago, he found that his fourth encounter with the illness was not going well.

His party members were told that he had only weeks left to live.

Many of them visited him at his home.

"Uncle Lim was so heartened by this gesture that he resolved to attend the Party's next Hammer Outreach," WP said, referring to events where party members sell copies of WP's newsletter, the Hammer.

Lim was indeed spotted at a Hammer Outreach event on May 5 — it would be the last time many of his party members saw him.

The WP said:

"While he will be sorely missed, he will be remembered by all of us in the Workers' Party with great fondness."

Top image via the Workers' Party/Facebook