Woman, 33, who died at Cove LRT station in Punggol, seen quickening pace & walking into track: Coroner hearing

The court heard events leading to the incident appeared normal.

Belmont Lay| May 17, 2024, 12:09 PM

A coroner's inquiry is being held to look into the case of the woman who was found dead on the tracks more than a year ago at Cove station on the Punggol East LRT loop on March 23, 2023.

Details about what happened prior to the incident were provided by witness testimony and reported by Shin Min Daily News.

According to the Chinese media, the officer-in-charge of the investigations revealed during the inquiry that the 33-year-old deceased woman had exited an LRT train on a Thursday night to go back to her place of residence, but instead, she quickened her pace across the platform and walked into the track on the opposite side.

She fell 1.2m and was dragged 20m when a LRT train pulled into the station shortly after her fall, as witnessed by a fellow commuter.

The incident was also caught on surveillance cameras at the station.

At the time of her passing, the woman's son was only one year old.

The deceased woman's mother and elder brother were in court for the session.

What court heard

The woman was found unresponsive at 10:15pm on March 23.

Her personal belongings in a bag were found near her body on the track.

The items included her identity card and driver's licence.

What fellow passenger saw

The court heard that a fellow passenger, who exited the LRT train with the woman at that time, said there was no apparent issues when the commuters alighted that night.

When the fellow commuter was walking down the stairs to exit the station at that time, she heard a scream, followed by a thud that sounded like a suitcase falling.

Curious, she went back up the stairs to check out what had happened.

The fellow passenger found the woman lying on the tracks facing up with her eyes open and staring up.

She did not appear as if she was trying to get up, Shin Min reported.

It was not observed if the woman was visibly injured at that time.

Within a few moments, a LRT train pulled into the station and dragged the fallen woman along the track.

What husband said

Prior to the incident, the court also heard that the deceased woman had texted her husband to say she was going home.

The couple met in 2017 and got married three years later, it was reported.

The woman gave birth to a son in 2022.

The court heard that the couple did not have any issues and had a good relationship, while their child was healthy and she was well-adjusted.

On the night of the incident, the woman had even texted her husband a photo of the dinner she was having with her colleagues.

She also sent a text message saying she would head back to the office first to pick up her laptop before making her way home.

Her last message to her husband was to ask if everything was alright, and the husband replied that it was.

By about 10pm when the woman was not home, and she could not be contacted, the husband dialled "999" as he had also seen news of the incident at the LRT station.

By about 3am, the husband went to the police to report his wife missing when she failed to go home.

The police came by his house subsequently to inform him about his wife's passing.

Company dinner function that night

The court also heard that the deceased had multiple injuries, including fractures and bruises, on her body.

Tests also revealed that she had a small quantity of alcohol content in her blood at the time of her passing.

It was revealed during the hearing that the woman was having dinner with her new colleagues at work before her passing that night, as she had just started a new job on March 13.

The dinner with her new company was for colleagues who had just joined and for those who were leaving.

Her superior at the company told the court that the woman had three glasses of white wine that night, and they left for the office after the dinner.

The woman had wanted to retrieve her laptop as she was going to work from home the next day.

Before leaving, the woman also told her superior, "See you on Monday".

According to the superior, her gait was steady as she did not appear inebriated or needed to be helped, the court heard.

Her colleagues said the woman appeared jovial and never mentioned any problems, and she did not appear to have been using medication.

The reason she left her previous place of employment was so that she could have a change of environment, the court heard.

Late woman's mother unclear about what had happened

The woman's mother, who attended the inquiry, told Shin Min that she could not understand what had happened to her daughter and could only wait for the coroner's report to be out.

The late woman's mother said she was living with her daughter at that time as she was helping to care for her grandson.

Now that her daughter has passed, her grandson is being taken care of by the family of her late daughter's husband.

Top photos via Yeo Wan Ling & Alvin Philemon