President's Challenge to undergo refresh from 2025 under President Tharman

New stuff to look forward to.

Ilyda Chua | May 30, 2024, 09:52 PM



The annual President's Challenge will be refreshed from 2025 under President Tharman.

One aspect of the President’s Challenge under review is for its scope to be broadened to include nurturing talent and aspirations in the fields of the arts and sports, including among disadvantaged groups.

It will also expand and deepen partnerships with public and philanthropic organisations and aim to achieve sustained social impact.

This was shared in a media release by the President's Challenge on May 30.

The 2024 edition

The 2024 edition of the President's Challenge was launched on May 30 by President Tharman during a visit to CampusImpact, a social service agency supporting disadvantaged youths and their families.

It is one of the 65 organisations that will benefit from President's Challenge this year.

The organisations' various initiatives help to uplift lower-income households, re-integrate ex-offenders, support seniors, and more.

Last year, over S$14 million was raised for the 86 participating organisations under the President's Challenge.

This benefitted over 23,000 individuals and families.

The challenge

The President's Challenge was first launched in 2000 by former President S R Nathan.

With a goal to help the less fortunate, the challenge hosts a number of initiatives and funds, each targeted at supporting vulnerable groups in Singapore.

These include the annual President's Star Charity fundraising show, the President's Challenge Social Enterprise Award, and the Empowering for Life fund.

Top image via President’s Challenge