Piles of parcels were spotted at the side of the road outside the Mandale Heights condominium along Mandalay Road.
A resident complained to Shin Min Daily News on May. 13 when he spotted the parcels left on the side of the road when he returned home.
The resident told the Chinese media outlet that it was raining, so the road and grass were wet, and the parcels were unattended.
Aside from concerns about the security of the parcels, the resident also flagged potential privacy concerns, as personal data was printed on the labels.
In the photo captured, about 20 parcels, including some larger items, were left on the side of the road.
Photo via Shin Min Daily News
The resident noted that the parcels on the floor had the recipients' personal details, and some even had their handphone numbers on them.
In addition, there were some packages stacked there where the delivery address was not close to the location.
"Delivery men usually leave the packages on the grass outside the apartments and then spend about 30 minutes delivering them," he said.
He speculated that the pile of parcels on the grass was due to more people shopping online and the deliverymen not having enough time to deliver them all.
The resident told Shin Min Daily News that he could not understand why some of the parcels were left stacked there, as they bore addresses that were not in the area.
The resident said this practice had been going on for at least six months.
He shared that he would be worried to see his packages left like that by the side of the road and wondered what would happen if the packages' contents were damaged.
Top photos via Shin Min Daily News & Google Maps