Man screams at SBS Transit bus captain, another man steps in to tell him to calm down

The passenger claimed the bus driver owed him an apology.

Matthias Ang | May 29, 2024, 04:09 PM



A man was seen intervening after a fellow bus commuter appeared to have been shouting at a bus driver aboard a moving SBS Transit bus.

Footage of the incident was recorded by TikTok user @fidfodder and shared on the Facebook group on May 25.

It has been viewed close to 1 million times.

It is not known when the incident occurred and on which bus service.

Passenger yells at bus driver, claims he owes him an apology

The passenger seen shouting was wearing a Broadway coffee shop uniform and standing by the driver's seat while other passengers board the bus.

The passenger could then be seen gesturing with his finger and yelling in Mandarin at the driver as the bus began to move off.

The video then showed a young man in black intervening by speaking to the passenger, while standing between him and the driver.

The first passenger continued speaking aggressively towards the man who intervened and mentioned that the bus driver owed him an apology.

When the bus stopped and the door opened, the passenger then yelled a Hokkien expletive twice at the bus driver before alighting.

Commentators hail the young man for showing courage

Many Facebook users reacted to the video by praising the young man for showing courage in stepping between the passenger and and driver.

Some of them noted that the passenger could have endangered the rest of the commuters on the bus if he distracted the bus captain further while he was driving.

In response to Mothership's queries, Broadway replied that it is looking into the matter.

Mothership has also reached out to both SBS Transit for more information on the incident.

Top screenshots via @fidfodder/TikTok