S'pore man, 26, exposes genitals to male university schoolmate who just broke up with boyfriend

The man was fined S$6,000 by the court.

Winnie Li| May 31, 2024, 04:19 PM

In January 2023, a man who was studying at a university in Singapore offered to meet up with his schoolmate who had just broken up with his boyfriend.

However, after they met up at around 11pm and decided to leave three hours later, the man suddenly told his schoolmate, also a man, that he would like to show him his genitals, according to court documents seen by Shin Min Daily News.

He also rubbed his genitals against his schoolmate's thighs and molested him by touching his private parts.

In response, the schoolmate immediately covered his face with his hands and ran away from the scene.

Man had good relationship with victim

Court documents revealed that the man and the victim stayed in the student hostel and belonged to the same student organisation at the university.

The pair had a good relationship, and the man was aware that the victim was dating another man prior to the incident.

Upon learning the victim had broken up with his boyfriend, the man offered to meet up.

After their meeting, the man sent a text message apologising to the victim, stating that he harboured no malicious intent and promised he would not repeat his behaviour again.

His wrongdoing eventually came to light after the victim decided to alert the police.

Fined S$6,000

The accused, now 26, was fined S$6,000 after pleading guilty to one count of sexual exposure on May 30, 2024.

Another count of molestation was taken into consideration during his sentencing.

To protect the victim, the judge has ordered a gag order to be placed on his identity as well as the locations involved, such as the name of the university.

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