Less rain in S'pore in 1st half of Jun. 2024, 35°C on cloudless days


Winnie Li | May 31, 2024, 05:08 PM



If you are heading out in the first two weeks of June 2024, remember to wear sunblock and stay hydrated.

This is because the first fortnight of the month is expected to be drier than the second half of May 2024, according to a May 31 media advisory issued by the Meteorological Service Singapore.

There will be several fair days, particularly in the second week of June 2024.

The daily maximum temperatures are likely to range between 33°C and 34°C on most days.

On a few days when there is less cloud coverage, the daily maximum temperature may reach around 35°C.

On several nights, the temperatures may stay above 28°C as well.

Short showers on some days

Amidst this heat, residents of Singapore can still expect localised short-duration thundery showers over parts of the island in the late morning and afternoon on some days in the coming fortnight.

However, the total rainfall for the first fortnight of June 2024 is expected to be below average over most parts of Singapore.

Showers on most days in second half of May 2024

In contrast, thundery showers fell over parts of Singapore on most days in the second half of May 2024.

About half of Singapore recorded above average rainfall over the last two weeks, with Simei registering rainfall of 53 per cent above average.

The daily maximum temperatures in the second half of May 2024 were above 33°C on most days.

The highest daily maximum temperature of 35.3°C was recorded at Pulau Ubin on May 29.

Top images via Winnie Li & Canva