PM Lawrence Wong is a 'decisive' & 'consultative' leader: Gan Kim Yong

No major changes to government policies and our approach to international relationships in the near future.

Ilyda Chua| May 25, 2024, 10:25 AM

The appointment of Prime Minister Lawrence Wong signifies "continuity and stability", with no major changes to government policy planned in the near future, said Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong.

However, the new PM will develop his own leadership style in time.

Gan, who is also Minister for Trade and Industry, was speaking at the 29th Nikkei International Forum in Tokyo on May 24.

Leadership handover is a generational change

Asked if the transition will point to any changes in Singapore's foreign policy, Gan said that the new leadership is "a generational change".

The fourth generation of leaders is taking over, led by the new PM.

However, for now, the change signifies "continuity and stability" because the Cabinet is yet largely unchanged.

"So, I would not expect major changes to government policies and our approach to international relationships," Gan said.

But he caveated that as the world changes, Singapore will need to renew its approaches and considerations on policies, "so that we are able to catch up with the changes in the world".

On PM Wong's leadership style

Gan added that PM Wong "will evolve his own leadership style over time".

Still, his time in politics has hinted as to what kind of a leader he will be.

Gan gave the example of Forward Singapore, a nationwide engagement exercise which PM Wong led while he was Deputy Prime Minister.

"This was a process through which he engaged the people on the ground to understand their needs, concerns and aspirations, and also allowed them to better understand who he is as a 4th generation leader," Gan said.

His approach to the exercise "reflects his consultative approach towards leadership and government".

In addition, his experience on the Covid-19 Multi-Ministry Taskforce points to a decisive leadership style.

This is particularly when it comes to difficult choices, in which he would "make a decision and move ahead".

"This decisiveness and consultative approach are likely to shape his leadership style going forward," he said.

Top image from NTUC/Facebook and Gan Kim Yong/Facebook