Lawrence Wong: Gan Kim Yong & I went through Covid-19 ‘baptism of fire' together

They described their working relationship as "enjoyable".

Ilyda Chua| May 13, 2024, 06:00 PM

Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong was appointed Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) in the May 13 Cabinet reshuffle.

The veteran politician joined the PAP in 2001 as a member of PM Lee's 3G team.

As DPM under the premiership of soon-to-be PM Lawrence Wong, he'll be part of the 4G team as well.

In his speech at the Cabinet reshuffle, Gan said that he was "grateful and humbled" that Wong asked him to be part of the new Cabinet — "although I'm not quite 4G".

He also noted that he's worked under three different Prime Ministers: as a civil servant under Lee Kuan Yew, then as an MP under Goh Chok Tong and later, PM Lee.

With so many years of experience under his belt, it's not a particularly surprising promotion.

But what do we know about Gan and his relationship with the future PM?

Long time coming

The 65-year-old entered politics in 2001, over 20 years ago.

Since 2011, Gan has served as Member of Parliament representing the Choa Chu Kang GRC.

He also chaired the Central Executive Committee (CEC), the PAP's highest decision-making body, between 2018 and 2022,  succeeding the former chair, Khaw Boon Wan.

Gan became a full-fledged minister in 2008, helming the Ministry of Manpower.

In 2011, he moved over to the Ministry of Health, where he spent the next 10 years.

There, he faced a number of challenges, most notably the Covid-19 pandemic.

That brings us to the next point: his relationship with Singapore's next PM.

Taskforce partners

It was Gan's idea to assemble a taskforce to direct Singapore's response to Covid-19.

The then-Health Minister nominated Wong, who was Education Minister at the time, saying he was someone he could "work well with", according to a Straits Times report.

The request was approved, and the pair got to work.

In January 2020, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce — or MTF — was convened, with the two of them as co-chairs until the current Health Minister Ong Ye Kung was brought on board in 2021.

Gan and Wong separately described their experiences working with each other as "enjoyable".

'Very decisive'

At a January 2021 interview with Wong, Gan praised his co-chair, calling him "very decisive".

"I'm very happy to be working with him, and [I] even [find it] enjoyable working with him, with a very decisive co-chairman," he said.

He added that over the course of their time working together, he had "discovered many things about him".

"Once the facts are clear, he will — no ifs and buts — just move and get it done."

'Great mentor'

In response, Wong reflected on how he has been "tied to Kim Yong in different ways" since before the pandemic.

"In many ways, he's been a great mentor," he said, explaining that Gan has guided him in two separate transitions: first in the handover of the PAP Community Foundation in 2015, and also as chairman of the Singapore Labour Foundation in 2018.

He added that they have had "a very pleasant and good working relationship, because it's built on a relationship we already have".

"Since then we've of course had many interactions. He's literally on my speed dial, I 'disturb' him all the time because after all, I'm coming in cold...I'm not [from] MOH, I'm just helping him in the process."

Wong added that his status as someone new helped him to ask questions that were "out of the box".

'Strong leadership'

Speaking at the Cabinet reshuffle on May 13, 2024, Gan said that  "it has been a pleasure" working with Wong over the years.

"I've seen his strong leadership, particularly in the midst of crisis," he added, recalling his longtime working relationship with Wong.

Gan said he was grateful and humbled that Wong asked him to continue serving in the Cabinet.

"It is indeed my honour to be given this opportunity and I will do my best to support the new prime minister and his team," he added.

Wong, in turn, remarked that he and Gan "went through the Covid baptism of fire together, and he was a pillar of strength throughout".

"Through the course of working together, we've come to get to know each other's working styles better," he said. "And in this period of increased geopolitical tensions, his experience in international economics will also help us navigate the more contested global environment."

He added that he and his other DPM, Heng Swee Keat, are "experienced ministers and will provide a steady hand in this initial period of transition".

"I will be able to tap on their views and expertise as I take on my new responsibility, and they will also help me to mentor our younger office holder colleagues."

Trade and industry

In the 2021 Cabinet reshuffle, Gan moved to helm the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Most recently, he attended the 20th anniversary business reception of the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement in Washington, D.C.

There, he gave the keynote address, noting that collaboration between the both countries could be a "model and a bridge for other countries, in order to maximise our efforts in technology and innovation".

As Minister for Trade and Industry, Gan has also spoken about the country's approach towards nuclear energy.

The country is monitoring the technology and has been building up expertise to better understand its technology for Singapore, he said at last year's Singapore International Energy Week.

During the May 13 handover press conference, Gan said that in his role as MTI minister, he will continue to focus on economic issues and work with the various ministries and agencies to navigate the complex challenges ahead.

"At the same time, as DPM, I will support the Prime Minister. I will work with DPM Heng, and across various ministries and agencies to coordinate whole of government approach to formulate and implement key policies.

The strategic group will help [to] assess and review these policies to ensure that they are consistent and appropriate.

Together with DPM Heng I will do my best to support [the] Prime Minister and help my younger colleagues in whichever way I can, to build a strong team that will lead us forward."

Top image by Mothership