Dogecoin meme dog, Kabosu, dies at age 18

Much sad.

Julia Yee | May 24, 2024, 05:01 PM



The dog behind the famous doge meme, Kabosu, has passed away at the age of 18.

Back around 2010, Kabosu became one of the most well-known faces of pop culture when the internet uncovered photographs of her posing like this:

Photo via Wikipedia

Maybe it was her comical side-eye, or her Mona Lisa smile, but something in this particular Shiba Inu made her a great universal meme template.

Doge humour

Some of the more common doge meme captions attach the words "much" or "such" in front of adjectives or nouns.

The words are often written in Comic Sans and characterised by poor spelling or grammar.

Kabosu's face will sometimes be cropped and edited onto other objects like bread, because much humour.

Image via Cheezburger

Kabosu even inspired the cryptocurrency Dogecoin, which was endorsed by Elon Musk.

Image via Dogecoin

"Never in a million years would I have imagined the impact that my photoshoot of Kabosu would have on the internet. It’s a moment that’s evolved and taken on a life of its own over the last decade — being shared millions of times and creating an entire community around the Doge meme," her owner said.

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A post shared by かぼすママ (@kabosumama)

Fell into deep sleep

According to The Sun, Kabosu was adopted in 2008.

She was named after the kabosu fruit because of her roundness.

Her Instagram page captures snippets of her life beyond the meme, showing a pet who grew old while being very much loved by her family.

Image via @kabosumama/Instagram

Image via @kabosumama/Instagram

All good things must come to an end, and so did Kabosu's time on earth when the canine passed away on the morning of May 24, 2024.

She went peacefully.

A blog post put up by her owner shared that the dog fell into a deep slumber, with birds singing outside and "soft morning light" streaming in through the window.

Kabosu's owner will be hosting a farewell party for her pet on May 26.

It will be held at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City, from 1pm to 4pm.

"Kabochan was the happiest dog in the world. And I am the happiest dog owner in the world," wrote her owner.

"Kabochan is still smiling and laughing and wagging her tail."

Image via @kabosumama/Instagram

Top images via @kabosumama/Instagram