Delivery driver, 49, drives lorry into officer at Gurkha camp when his 'wanted' status discovered

He hit another officer with the lorry's side mirror.

Belmont Lay | May 16, 2024, 05:18 PM



A delivery driver, who was transporting goods to the Gurkha Contingent at Vernon Road, reversed his lorry into a police sergeant and crushed his leg in an attempt to flee the scene.

This was after the accused's NRIC was scanned, and it was discovered that he was a wanted man.

Muhammad Hizamudin Sheik Allahuddin, 49, was sentenced to 20 months in jail on May 16 for his actions.

He pleaded guilty to voluntarily causing hurt to a public servant on duty, damaging a police car and having drug utensils.

Five other charges were taken into consideration during sentencing.

What happened

Hizamudin was released from the Drug Rehabilitation Centre on Aug. 23, 2021.

He was placed on the prison's day release scheme, which is a community-based programme that allows inmates to work or do skills training outside of prison premises, until Jun. 25, 2023.

However, Hizamudin became a wanted person after a police gazette was issued against him, following his failure to return to an approved institution and could not be contacted by his reporting officer.

This occurred towards the end of his programme on Jun. 5, 2023.

When he was wanted, Hizamudin became a delivery driver on a part-time basis.

As part of his job, he was assigned to make a delivery to the Gurkha camp on Jun. 22, 2023.

"Wanted" status discovered

Hizamudin drove his company's lorry to the compound at about 4pm.

When he arrived, he handed his NRIC for screening and parked beside the guard house.

A pair of police sergeants was dispatched when it was discovered that Hizamudin was a wanted man.

The officers, a male and female pair, showed up in a police car at about 4:30pm.

They asked Hizamudin to switch off his engine and exit the lorry.

He was uncooperative, refused to do so and gave evasive answers.

To prevent Hizamudin from driving away, the male officer moved the police car to the lorry's rear while the female officer continued to speak to Hizamudin.

Tried to drive away

Hizamudin suddenly drove the lorry forward.

He moved the lorry in a manner that allowed him to move off without being blocked by the police car.

The male officer gave chase and reached his hands into the open driver-side window, telling Hizamudin to stop.

Hizamudin then reversed his lorry and did not stop when repeatedly told to do so.

Both officers ended up holding on to the lorry driver's side of the door at that time.

Hizamudin continued to reverse the lorry and the female officer moved to the other door at the passenger's side.

The male officer's legs ended up getting sandwiched between the lorry and the police car, and his right hip got crushed in the process as the lorry continued to reverse.

The male officer was pulled away by two police officers nearby, and he ended up on the ground shouting in pain.

As the lorry accelerated quickly, it caused the passenger side mirror to hit the female officer's arm, causing her to fall to the ground.

Officers jumped lorry

Another police officer stationed at the camp then jumped onto the driver's side door and tried to pull Hizamudin's hands away from the steering wheel as he continued to move the vehicle.

Hizamudin shouted incoherently and continued to drive.

The lorry ended up crashing into a metal railing.

Numerous officers stationed at the Gurkha Contingent jumped onto the vehicle, and Hizamudin was arrested.

Drug utensils were found in the lorry.

The male officer was given three days of medical leave after suffering a hip contusion.

The damaged police car cost the Singapore Police Force S$400 to repair, which Hizamudin failed to make restitution.

The prosecutor sought a sentence of 21 to 24 months in jail, according to CNA.

It was argued that Hizamudin's actions showed defiance against authority and had a high potential for harm, but it was noted that he had indicated his intention to plead guilty at the earliest stage, was cooperative in investigations, and had shown some remorse.

The penalty for causing hurt to a public servant who was discharging his duty is a jail term of up to seven years and a fine or caning.

For committing mischief by damaging the police car, the penalty is a jail term of up to two years, a fine, or both.

The maximum punishment for having drug utensils is a jail term of three years, a fine of S$10,000 or both.

Top photo via Google Maps