S'porean WWE star Dante Chen picks up shocking win over Lexis King, but victory shrouded in controversy

What's next for Chen?

Sulaiman Daud| May 23, 2024, 11:01 AM

Singapore's very own World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) wrestler Dante Chen defeated his opponent Lexis King on May 22 (Singapore time) in a shocking upset.

He currently competes under the WWE's NXT brand.

However, King is claiming unfair treatment during his match, and is demanding that WWE authorities intervene to set things right.

King vs Chen

King, 30, is a fast-rising star competing in NXT.

He is the son of former WWE wrestler Brian Pillman, but disavowed any links to his father soon after joining the promotion.

On the May 22 show, King came out to the ring at the Performance Center in Orlando, Florida for a match.

Robert Stone, a manager who recently lost his main client Von Wagner, emerged. He then introduced Chen, who got a huge ovation from the fans.

King accepted the challenge, and the two athletes battled.

King appeared to have the upper hand, until Stone went down to the ring and distracted King.

Chen then reversed King's "Coronation DDT" and applied the "Inside Cradle", which was enough to get the three-count and pick up the victory.

Screenshot from WWE Twitter.

King makes an allegation

But King wasn't going to accept his defeat with good grace.

Following the match, he took to X (formerly Twitter) to accuse the referee of performing a fast count, therefore implying that Chen's victory was tainted.

It remains to be seen if the WWE authorities, including NXT general manager Ava Raine, will indulge King in his demands.

Upon rewatching the video, the referee appeared to be performing the pinfall count at a regular speed.

Despite King's antics, Stone's involvement in the match may suggest that he is looking for a new client, and may have found one in Chen.

With Stone in his corner, championship gold may be in Chen's future before long.

Screenshot from WWE NXT.

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