'Never had so much fear in my life': actors Yvonne Lim, Kate Pang & Shawn Thia marked safe in Taiwan earthquake

The 7.2 magnitude earthquake was the strongest one Taiwan experienced in 25 years.

Winnie Li| April 03, 2024, 07:33 PM

Several Singapore celebrities who are currently in Taiwan have marked themselves safe after a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the island on the morning of Apr. 3, 2024.

Amongst them include Taiwan-born actress and television host Kate Pang, who took to Instagram to share about her frightening experience.

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A post shared by Kate Pang (@katepang311)

According to Pang, she was waiting for the traffic light in her car when the earthquake took place.

While she initially thought that her car was shaking due to an engine failure, she quickly realised there was an earthquake because an old building near her was rocking back and forth.

Although Pang was worried about her husband, Singaporean actor Andie Chen, who was alone at home at the time, Pang couldn't contact him because she didn't bring her phone with her, she recounted.

Upon noticing the earthquake didn't stop, Pang decided to run a red light.

On her way back home, Pang was ridden with worry, as she didn't know whether her apartment building was still intact and whether her children were scared at school.

Pang's family marked safe

Fortunately, Pang said all of her family members and friends were safe.

While many of her household items, such as glass vases, had fallen off the shelves, Pang said none of them were shattered.

Her award trophies, including her Star Awards, also landed on cupboard boxes, losing only one piece of crystal in one corner.

However, Chen's iMac was not as lucky, as it fell face-down to the table and sustained an extensive crack.

At the end of her post, Pang thanked those who had expressed concern for her and her family.

"We also pray that there won't be more natural disasters and hope everyone can stay safe," wrote Pang.

Sentiments echoed by Yvonne Lim and Hong Huifang

Pang's sentiments were echoed by Singaporean actress Yvonne Lim, who also posted a series of Instagram stories expressing her concern for her children when her residential area was struck by an aftershock from the earthquake.

"Never had so much fear in my life, especially for my kids who are in school. Hope everyone stays safe," wrote Lim.

Screenshots via @yvonnelim928/Instagram

Similarly, Lim's fellow actress Hong Huifang, who is in Taiwan filming a new television series starring Christopher Lee, also described the earthquake as "truly frightening".

Hong shared that this was the first time she had experienced such a strong earthquake, and added that the tremors were strong.

Screenshot via @honghuifang/Instagram

Shawn Thia narrowly escaped being hit in the head

Another Singaporean actor who also happened to be in Taiwan is Shawn Thia.

In a series of Instagram stories, Thia revealed that he was travelling around the island and had booked a guided tour.

While he had initially planned to visit Hualien, the county that was most affected by the earthquake, the trip appeared cancelled as his tour guide could be heard saying that it was "not safe" to travel to Hualien and many of its roads could no longer be used.

Thia added that he also narrowly escaped being hit by a falling object while walking on the streets, thanks to a tea egg that he was eating that made him walk slower.

Screenshot via @shawnthia/Instagram

In the caption of a video documenting his trip to Taiwan, Thia also said he is "really thankful" because he had "never had to experience earthquakes" as a Singaporean.

"This major earthquake felt weird. You know the feeling like you cannot balance because you are drunk? But instead of you being drunk, the earth was drunk and twerking," added Thia.

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Top images via Kate Pang Instagram