Over 200 cases of physical & verbal abuse against taxi & PHV drivers reported in 2023

An informal session on road safety and disputes will also be organised for these drivers.

Amber Tay| February 20, 2024, 06:21 PM

Over 200 cases of physical and verbal abuse against taxi and private hire drivers were reported in 2023, according to Minister of State for Home Affairs Sun Xueling on Feb. 19, 2024.

Some of these cases could have arisen from misunderstandings between drivers and their passengers.

"I think we can work with drivers and passengers as well, on how we can treat each other with respect, and how to resolve misunderstandings and disputes amicably," she added.

Informal session on road safety and disputes to be organised for drivers

Sun further noted that in the last three years, from 2021 to 2023, there was an average of 1,600 traffic accidents involving taxis and private hire vehicles each year.

Highlighting the role that taxi and private hire drivers play in enhancing road safety for all users, she said an informal session will be organised for the drivers to cover topics such as road vigilance and safety measures, and practices to manage road disputes successfully.

Speaking at the launch of the industry safety and security scheme for point-to-point transport

Sun was speaking at the launch of the point-to-point transport industry Safety and Security Watch Group (iSSWG), an initiative aimed at helping the government deal more effectively with security threats to the security network.

The iSSWG scheme was first established in 2008 for the Home Team to work closely with stakeholders to address industry-specific safety and security concerns.

Prior to the launch of the iSSWG for the point-to-point transport industry, there were eight other iSSWGs in the chemical, financial, hotel, retail, manufacturing, public entertainment, online, and logistical transport industries.

Drivers should also be on the alert for any security threats

Sun also spoke about security threats involving the transport network.

"We have seen overseas examples of attacks carried out on buses and trains. Terrorists had also used vehicles as weapons to run down pedestrians," she noted.

She cited an example of a 2021 terrorist attack involving a taxi in the UK, in which a bomb carried by a passenger detonated upon the taxi's arrival at the main entrance of a hospital, killing the passenger and injuring the taxi driver.

Drivers must therefore play their part by staying vigilant and alerting the authorities when they come across any suspicious sightings, she said.

Top image via Canva.