SCDF to sound signal islandwide on Feb. 15, 6:20pm for Total Defence Day

Do not be alarmed.

Khine Zin Htet| February 13, 2024, 01:00 PM

If you hear loud sirens on the evening of Feb. 15, do not be alarmed.

Public Warning System will sound “Important Message” signal

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will be sounding the “Important Message” signal through the islandwide Public Warning System (PWS) for one minute.

The Public Warning System is used to warn the public of attacks from the air, land or sea, as well as natural and other man-made disasters.

This exercise will take place at 6:20pm on Feb. 15, 2024, said the SCDF in a statement to the media.

The British surrendered Singapore to Imperial Japanese forces in 1942 on this day.

The SCDF conducts this exercise annually to familiarise the public with the PWS signals and how they should respond accordingly upon hearing them.

The exercise also serves as a reminder that "we need to stand resilient and do our part to protect Singapore and our future", added the SCDF.

Signal will also sound on SGSecure mobile app

The signal will also sound on all smartphones that have the SGSecure mobile app installed, but for only 20 seconds.

This will be accompanied by a brief text message on the PWS sounding.

You will need to enable push notifications and alerts from the SGSecure app to receive the signal and the text message.

Tune in to radio or TV after you hear the signal

Residents are also asked to tune in to any local radio station or Mediacorp TV channel for a brief message on the PWS upon hearing the signal.

If you miss the message, you can visit this website to learn more about the PWS signals.

Top photo via YouTube