S'porean chef raising funds for USS trip for kids from vulnerable backgrounds, we decided to help

A good time for everyone. (Hopefully.)

Fasiha Nazren| February 10, 2024, 11:11 AM

Mothership has been around for 10 years already!?

Whoa, even we’re surprised.

But hey, we made it somehow. And it’s all thanks to you.

Saying thank you is not enough. For our anniversary, we’re giving back to young people in Singapore, through ways that we believe will be meaningful to the next generation.

As one of our special initiatives, we supported an event initiated by Beng Who Cooks aka Jason Chua, where Mothership sponsored Universal Studios Singapore tickets for Care Singapore beneficiaries to have a day out.

The festive season is always a good time to embrace the joy of giving.

And that's exactly what the Mothership team did as part of our 10th anniversary initiatives.

On Nov. 25, our team brought more than 20 students from Care Singapore out on a fun-filled day at Universal Studios Singapore (USS).

Care Singapore is a youth-centric charity in Singapore that aims to help at-risk youths succeed.

The youths were so excited to have a fun day, they gifted us with heartfelt thank-you messages.

Photo by Fasiha Nazren.

The most visibly excited person, of course, was 31-year-old chef Jason Chua.

Jason Chua aka Beng Who Cooks

If you've been following us for a bit, you'll probably know that Chua started in the culinary scene as a former hawker at Hong Lim Market and Food Centre.

Apart from being a chef, he is also the founder of the Beng Who Cares Foundation.

Chua giving life advice to the beneficiaries. Photo by Fasiha Nazren.

When it first started in the thick of the Covid-19 pandemic, Chua provided free meals to those in need, no questions asked.

These days, he regularly champions marginalised youths and hopes that with his help, more kids can "start at the same line".

In 2023, he shared with Mothership that he wanted to bring the beneficiaries from Care Singapore to USS so they could enjoy themselves during the year-end school holiday.

And that's when we thought — why not help him make this happen?

Grateful message

For Chua, events like these are an opportunity for him to contribute to the next generation and inspire them to give back in future.

"I hope they enjoyed themselves and at the end of the day, I want them to give back to society in the future so they can give other youths like them a chance to prosper," he said.

While Chua himself had fun interacting, giving life advice and taking the amusement rides with the beneficiaries, he admitted to us that, at that time, he wasn't very sure if the students felt the same.

Photo by Fasiha Nazren.

But it took a passing remark and a simple Instagram direct message from one of the beneficiaries that made him realise that he had reached his goal and reminded him of the reason behind starting the Beng Who Cooks Foundation.

Photo courtesy of Jason Chua.

"I wasn't really sure they were enjoying [themselves] until I heard one of them telling the teacher, 'can we play until the park closes?'. All I can say is that casual sentence made my day."

Top image by Fasiha Nazren.