Mercedes goes against flow of traffic on Sentosa Gateway road, nearly hits oncoming car in tunnel

Close shave.

Khine Zin Htet| January 31, 2024, 04:36 PM

A Mercedes-Benz was seen going against the flow of traffic and almost crashing head-first into an oncoming vehicle near Sentosa.

The close shave moment was caught on video taken from the dashboard camera of the vehicle with the right of way and travelling out of Sentosa at that time.

The footage was uploaded to the SG Road Vigilante Facebook group.

According to the caption, the incident took place at the tunnel of Sentosa Gateway road exiting from Sentosa.

Drove into tunnel

Gif via Facebook/SG Road Vigilante

In the video, the car recording the scene was about to exit the tunnel when a Mercedes-Benz appeared from the bend.

The vehicles managed to stop in time to avoid colliding.

Gif via Facebook/SG Road Vigilante

The Mercedes driver then stopped and reversed out of the tunnel.

Vehicles behind the car recording the scene could be seen stopping in the tunnel.

Photo via Facebook/SG Road Vigilante

The Mercedes driver managed to reverse out and resume his journey out of the tunnel.

The Mercedes driver appeared to be a middle-aged male and the passenger looked like a young boy.

Long one-way road

Commenters online were quick to criticise the Mercedes driver, with some saying that he should not be driving if he does not know how to do so.

Some were more forgiving, pointing out that navigating the Sentosa car park can be confusing and difficult.

One commenter expressed confusion, noting that the stretch of road was a long one-way road that leads out of Sentosa.

"How? This means he literally went against the flow of traffic from VivoCity all across the Sentosa bridge? There's no other road that can lead him into this downslope," they wrote.

A wider view of the road seen on Google Maps showed both sides of the road were leading out of the tunnel away from Sentosa.

Screenshot via Google Maps

Going further down the road shows that the road leading into Sentosa is a few lanes away, divided by trees and railings.

Screenshot via Google Maps

Screenshot via Google Maps

Top photos from Facebook/ SG Road Vigilante