4 rottweilers escape from Sennett Road house & attack labrador, inflict deep wounds & scratches

The attack was allegedly unprovoked.

Khine Zin Htet| January 14, 2024, 07:31 PM

A labrador retriever was brutally attacked by four rottweilers from a neighbouring house along Sennett Road on Jan. 9, 2024.

The assault resulted in three deep bites and various scratches.

Her owner, Melanie Song, took to Facebook to share the harrowing ordeal of the attack.

Pre-bedtime walk turned into nightmare

Song shared that the labrador, named Hobbit, was out with her helper, Sri, on a pre-bedtime walk while she stayed home with her other dog, Chewie.

She later heard a commotion outside the house — dogs barking and humans screaming.

Her heart sank when she thought she heard Hobbit's cries, she wrote.

She rushed out of the house to see Hobbit being attacked by three rottweilers, biting and pulling her in all directions.

Overwhelmed by their size and strength, Hobbit lay on the road, outnumbered.

Despite efforts from Sri and two ladies from the rottweilers' owner's house, the attack persisted.

Song's attempt to intervene with a nearby dustbin also proved unsuccessful.

Jumped to action

Fearing the worst, Song took it upon herself to shield Hobbit and keep the rottweilers away.

However, despite the other ladies pulling them away, they were relentless.

"The owners of the rottweilers struggled to regain control over their dogs," Song wrote.

Help from neighbours

Cars nearby stopped and neighbours came out of their houses to provide help, Song shared.

One neighbour opened his gate slightly and Song was finally able to escape into his house together with Hobbit.

"I thought I had lost Hobbit, and my mind was racing," she said.

Inside, she could still hear the rottweilers "running wild" outside.

Neighbours from different houses had to work together to get the dogs back into their house.

Rushed to vet clinic

Song called her friend, who rushed down to accompany Song and Hobbit to Gaia Veterinary Centre.

Song also reported the incident to the police along the way.

Hobbit was immediately sedated and brought into surgery upon reaching the clinic.

Song went back home, anxiously awaiting news of Hobbit's surgery outcome.

The clinic finally called her around 11pm that night, informing her that Hobbit sustained "three very deep bites that required draining tube" and many scratches and cuts.

While they had stabilised her, it would take about seven days to fully assess the damage as some injuries would only surface after a few days, they told Song.

Rottweilers not muzzled

Sri later told Song that the rottweilers ran out of their house and came after Hobbit unprovoked.

Upon seeing the first dog, Sri screamed for help but the owners allegedly did not come out until much later.

Song wrote that the attack was a "clear case of negligence and failure to control aggressive dogs".

Owner of rottweilers broached possibility of private settlement

Song was particularly peeved by the owners of the rottweilers, whom she claimed broached the topic of a private settlement twice.

She wrote in her post:

"To the owners of the Rottweilers, it is not a good time to talk to me when I'm rushing Hobbit to the vet. It is never a good time to ask for private settlement when a family member is hurt and fighting for her life."

"Money doesn't take away trauma and doesn't redeem you of your negligence," she wrote.

Unfortunate accident: Owner of rottweilers

The owner of the rottweilers, Marissa Leow, spoke to the Straits Times, saying that the incident was “an unfortunate accident”.

“The magnetic lock (at the front gate) was corroded by the rain and was not working. We had not realised this. On the fateful night, I had just returned from the supermarket and was unloading the groceries at the back of the house,” she said.

Leow tearfully added that the accident was not something she had wished to happen, saying that the dogs managed to burst through the gate without her realising the gate was faulty.

“We wanted to speak to the owner of the labrador but she was too upset to speak to us. The police advised us to perhaps wait for a while before we broach the subject with her,” she added.

Reported to AVS

Song has since also reported the matter to the Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS).

Jessica Kwok, group director for AVS, told ST that the agency was investigating the matter.

Under the Animals and Birds Act, an errant dog owner can receive a maximum composition fine of S$1,000.

Rottweilers allegedly bit boy previously

On Jan. 14, Song updated her post with another incident which allegedly involved a rottweiler from the same house.

Song claimed that her neighbour's son, then only four years old, was bitten by a rottweiler at the Sennett Road playground in December 2020.

The two confirmed that the rottweiler was from the same house as Hobbit's attackers.

The sons of the owner had allegedly taken the rottweiler out for a walk without muzzles and adult supervision, Song claimed.

Hobbit recovering well

As for Hobbit, Song updated that she was recovering well except for two wounds.

She will be going back to the clinic in ten days to ensure that Hobbit's recovery is on track.

Top photos from Melanie Song/ Facebook