Monkey steals glove from M'sia traffic policeman, 'gives' it back after someone suggests 'asking nicely'

The monkey "gave back" the glove.

Keyla Supharta| December 19, 2023, 02:38 PM

A traffic policeman in Malaysia found himself in a pickle when his glove was taken by a monkey by the roadside.

The episode was captured on a video which was posted on the Facebook page "Dunia Haiwan" (Animal Planet) on Dec. 13.

"Police becomes victim"

The video showed the man, wearing a jacket marked "Police", throttling his motorcycle in an attempt to distract a monkey that had stolen his glove.

The camera then zoomed in to show the monkey resting on an advertisement board clutching onto said glove.

Gif via Dunia Haiwan/Facebook.

"Police becomes victim," a caption on the video wrote.

The cameraman, presumably a colleague of the policeman, could be heard trying to coax the monkey to return the glove from behind the camera.

"You, can you return the glove, please? Pity him, he needs to work," the voice said.

"People want to work [but] you take [his] glove," he chided while the monkey was checking out the glove.

"Ask for it nicely"

The voice could then be heard asking the policeman to "go and ask for [the glove] back [and to] ask for it nicely".

Shortly after, the monkey appeared to lose interest in the glove and threw it down to the ground.

Gif via Dunia Haiwan/Facebook.

"Thank you!" the cameraman said as the monkey moved on to the next object that caught his interest.

The policeman then retrieved his glove with a smile on his face.

You can watch the entire exchange here:


The incident amused many Facebook users, with the video amassing 259k views at the time of writing.

Some viewers were glad that the policeman managed to get back his glove.

Image via Dunia Haiwan/Facebook.

One commenter cheekily suggested to "make a police report if such a case happens".

Image via Dunia Haiwan/Facebook.

Some commenters suggested doing a barter trade with the monkey, exchanging the glove with a banana or bread.

Image via Dunia Haiwan/Facebook.

What to do when encountering a monkey

According to NParks, it is important to remain calm and quiet if you encounter a monkey.

Members of the public are encouraged not to make sudden movements or make direct eye contact with it, as it might aggravate the monkey.

NParks also suggests not feeding the monkeys as it might draw them to human areas.

And if you happen to hold an object that is attracting the monkey, you are strongly suggested to either hide it or throw it away.

Top image via Dunia Haiwan/Facebook.