Disabled man in China earns by picking plastic bottles & selling crafts, has donated S$188,390 to students

"My life is very difficult, but I can't bear to see others having it harder than I do."

Lee Wei Lin| December 16, 2023, 04:51 PM

A man in China named Hu Lei has touched the hearts of many after his act of donating over a million yuan (S$188,390) to students over the span of 15 years made the news.

Footage shared by China's Ministry of Public Securitys (MPS) on its Weibo page showed a young girl, a beneficiary of Hu's generosity, crying after meeting him for the first time.

Screenshot from 中国警方在线/Weibo

Hu shared that his donation includes the purchase over 20,000 schoolbags in the past 15 years, and that he earns money by picking up plastic bottles and selling crafts on the streets.

"Many people have asked me to start live streaming, but I don't want to. I don't want to be internet famous. Everyone doesn't have it easy," he said during the interview with MPS.

Hu mentioned that he tells children who have received his help: "What troubles you? I'll think of ways to help you. When you grow up, remember your parents, teachers, leaders, and your love for the country. Don't remember me."

He stated: "My life is very difficult, but I can't bear to see others having it harder than I do."

Appeals for others not to fall prey to scams

Hu has since reiterated with a Douyin post that he is not involved in any live streams, and that he will "not accept anything from strangers", and appealed for others not to fall prey to scams which make use of his name.

He wrote:

"Don't spend money rashly because of me.

I'm very ashamed. I'm not as amazing as you think I am; all I've done is to give back to society for 15 years. I don't hope to become rich and famous; all I want is to do what I want because I don't want to have any regrets.

My dad is no longer in this world, and I'll never know when the same will happen to me. I don't know how long I can hold on for. I don't want to be internet famous, and all I want to do is to quietly carry on with doing good. [I hope this will] plant a seed of gratitude in the children, and that they will repay our country in the future."


According to China's MPS, Hu suffered from polio as a child, and as a result, can only walk on his knees.

His father passed away in a car accident while trying to seek medical attention for him, and his mother remarried after being widowed.

Hu was brought up by his grandparents, and said he has often received help from those around him.

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Top photos from 中国警方在线/Weibo