PM Lee warns S'poreans not to respond to deepfake scam videos of him speaking

He reminds Singaporeans to be vigilant against scams.

Amber Tay| December 29, 2023, 06:14 PM

PM Lee warns Singaporeans not to respond to scams using deepfake videos that mimic his voice and image.

Scammers use AI to create 'audio deepfake videos'

In a Facebook post on Dec. 29, 2023, PM Lee said there have been a number of "audio deepfake videos" of him purporting to promote cryptocurrency scams.

In his post, PM Lee included an example of such a video, which shows him "speaking" about a "cryptocurrency scheme" during an interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN).

While the video appears to be a clip of PM Lee's "Leaders Talk" interview with the Beijing-based news network in March 2023, his voice has been manipulated.

PM Lee explained that the scammers use Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to mimic voices and images.

"They transform real footage of us taken from official events into very convincing but completely bogus videos of us purporting to say things that we have never said," PM Lee added.

"If you see or receive these scam videos promising guaranteed returns on investments or ‘giveaways’, please do not respond to them!"

DPM Lawrence Wong's image also used by scammers

PM Lee pointed out that DPM Lawrence Wong's image has also been misused by such scams.

DPM Lawrence Wong posted on Facebook on Dec. 11, 2023, warning the public to be vigilant against such deepfakes.

He said the videos circulated online showed him appearing to endorse commercial products and circulating misinformation that the government is looking to reinstate a circuit breaker.

"The use of deepfake technology to spread disinformation will continue to grow," said PM Lee. "We must remain vigilant and learn to protect ourselves and our loved ones against such scams".

PM Lee also thanked alert Singaporeans who took the time to flag the deepfake videos to him and said others can report scams, fake news or ads similar to the video via the official ScamShield Bot on WhatsApp at

Official PMO videos can be found at

Top image via PM Lee's Facebook