Young lady saves gecko trapped in small opening of pipe wire mesh at Kranji War Memorial

The gecko appeared injured but very much alive.

Belmont Lay| November 22, 2023, 08:12 PM

A man took to Facebook to share that he is proud of his daughter for helping to save the life of a reptile in the wild in Singapore.

According to the man's post in the Singapore Wildlife Sightings Facebook page, his daughter prevented a gecko from dying a slow and painful death on Nov. 21 after it was seen trapped in a wire mesh covering a pipe at the Kranji War Memorial.

Accompanying the post were photos and a video of the rescue.

Looked like a small frog

The man said his daughter initially thought it was a "small frog" sitting on the wire mesh.

However, on closer inspection, she discovered that it was a gecko -- a lizard -- "trapped in a hole" and "impaled upon the many metal wire spikes in the mesh".

"She carefully removed it from the metal mesh and placed it in the nearby bushes. Hopefully, it will recover fully," he wrote.

A video of the rescue showed the use of what looked like a pocket knife, pushing the wire mesh aside to widen it sufficiently so that the gecko could be removed without harming it further.

The video also showed that the gecko had lacerations around the parts of its body that was in contact with the wire mesh.

The gecko appeared jumpy when it was handled, but remained on the rescuer's hand, and even appeared to hang on tight as though it anticipated it would be saved.

It was eventually released onto the grass patch.

Top photos via Singapore Wildlife Sightings/ Sunnie Chow