Porsche on AYE filters left, hits motorcycle, driver opens door & hits 2nd motorcycle

Two accidents in quick succession.

Belmont Lay| November 29, 2023, 05:03 PM

What's worse than getting involved in an accident with a motorcycle?

Getting involved in an accident with another motorcycle a few seconds later.

That was what happened to a Porsche Macan in Singapore that was travelling along the Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE) towards the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE).

A video of the incident on Nov. 28 just before 6pm, shot from the dashboard camera of another vehicle on the road, showed what happened.The two accidents involving two motorcycles in quick succession shocked the occupants of the vehicle that recorded the footage.

The vehicle's occupants could be heard off-camera letting out loud gasps at the scenes that unfolded before them.

First accident

The first accident involved a motorcyclist and the pillion rider.

The Porsche was filtering left to the second lane as vehicles on the right-most lane had come to a stop.

The car then hit the motorcycle, throwing both riders off.

Second accident

The second accident occurred after the Porsche driver opened his door to get out to check on the fallen riders.

A motorcycle that was lane-splitting between the right-most and middle lanes hit the Porsche's door and then collided with a stationary car on the right-most lane.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force told Mothership that they were alerted to a road traffic accident along AYE towards MCE at about 5:55pm.

SCDF conveyed three persons to the National University Hospital.

Top image via SGRV