Kovan field to reopen: No evidence of contamination found even though 3 dogs died

Two dogs likely died due to poisoning, while the third dog's death was unrelated to the other two.

Ruth Chai| November 12, 2023, 12:39 PM

A field at Parry Avenue in Kovan, which was cordoned off after the death of three dogs, is slated to reopen after investigations found no evidence of contamination in the grass patch.

A joint statement by the Animal and Veterinary Service (AVS) and the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) said that poisoning was "most likely" the cause of death behind two of the three dogs.

The death of the third dog was likely to be unrelated to the other two cases.

Suspected contamination

Located on the grounds of the now-defunct Parry Primary School, the small field known as "Parry Field" was used as an informal dog park by residents.

The site was poised to be redeveloped, and construction has begun in the vicinity of the dog park, on the premises of the old school building.

Between Oct. 5 and Oct. 7, three dogs died after visiting the field.

The first two dogs were a cavachon and a a bernedoodle. The third dog was believed to be a husky.

The first two dogs exhibited similar symptoms after visiting the field, including vomiting and experiencing seizures.

The dogs' owners took to social media to alert others about the field.

Soon after, signs were put up to warn dog lovers about using the field.

AVS and SLA said they were alerted to the cases on Oct. 7, and cordoned off the site.

All licensed veterinarians in Singapore were issued an advisory.

Dog owners living in the vicinity were also contacted and asked to report similar cases.

“To date, no similar cases have been reported in the vicinity or other parts of Singapore," AVS and SLA said.

"Poisoning the most likely cause of demise": authorities

The National Environment Agency tested environmental samples from the field and surrounding areas in their investigation, and spoke to affected dog owners and veterinarians involved.

Speaking to CNA and The Straits Times, AVS and SLA said that over 100 samples had been collected to test for poison and toxic substances that could have caused the dog's deaths.

The joint statement also added that there were no vector control treatments conducted at the field.

Vector control includes chemical-based tools such as insecticide.

"As there is no evidence of contamination at the field, and no other related cases reported, SLA will reopen the site for public access on Nov. 12, 2023," the statement said.

The two dogs who died after visiting the field were cremated before laboratory samples could be taken to determine the cause of illness and death of the dogs.

However, "based on available clinical information of the two dogs, poisoning was the most likely cause of demise".

Third dog's death unrelated to other two

As for the third dog, AVS and SLA believed that its death was unrelated to the other two cases.

An examination was performed on the dog's carcass. It found no evidence that the dog had bee poisoned.

The dog also did not exhibit similar symptoms of poisoning that the other two did, such as seizures.

Additionally, the dog's owner said the animal had walked around the vicinity of the field but did not go into the field.

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