I nominated my hardworking colleague to go for a scalp detox treatment because she is too young to be losing hair.

Do you need help maintaining a head full of hair?

Li Xin Ong| Sponsored| October 06, 2023, 11:55 AM

When I first heard about the opportunity to try out Topp Care Hair Solutions’ scalp detox treatment, I immediately thought of my work bestie, Berlinda.

If there’s one person who needs help with maintaining a head full of hair, it’s her.

Ever since Berlinda joined the team, she has been complaining about sharing how her busy lifestyle has been speeding up her hair fall.

As a concerned colleague, I couldn't help but feel exhausted when I heard about her jam-packed schedule - think weekly Japanese language classes and reunion gatherings with friends she hasn’t seen in a decade.

To evaluate if a scalp treatment is worth incorporating in the busy schedule of Singaporeans, I decided that Berlinda was the best person in the company to try out Topp Care’s customised scalp detox treatment.

Pre-treatment consultation

Image via Ong Li Xin

When Berlinda and I arrived at Topp Care, we met hair & scalp specialist, Helen, who brought us to a room to fill up a form to better understand her current hair and scalp condition. 

Berlinda shared with the specialist that her busy lifestyle has led to her experiencing hair fall and greying lately.

As someone who believes in leading a balanced lifestyle, Berlinda often dedicates her post-work hours to her hobbies and maintaining strong relationships with her friends and family. 

In the pursuit of work and these co-curricular activities, she has been losing sleep (and her sanity?), which is a major contributor to hair fall. 

Upon examination, Helen also pointed out that Berlinda has a very sensitive scalp which caused her scalp redness. 

Scalp scan to find the root cause of her hair fall

Image via Ong Li Xin

After hearing her concerns out, Helen proceeded to do a scalp scan to evaluate Berlinda’s scalp health and to see if there are other scalp concerns she should take note of. 

During the scan, Helen shared that the hair fall was a result of Berlinda’s scalp’s clogged pores, which is caused by excess sebum (in other words: her oily scalp). 

Pre-treatment scalp scan results
Image via Ong Li Xin

Helen then proceeded to share the common causes for poor scalp health:

  • Poor Diet: People who enjoy oily and spicy food are more likely to have oily scalp as their poor diet typically leads to an overproduction of sebum in their scalp. (Note to Berlinda: time to stop your weekly mala for lunch.) 
  • Lack of Sleep: We all know that sleep deprivation is bad for health but did you know that it causes your body so much stress that it speeds your hair fall? 

It is advisable to get sleep by 12am as it is crucial for healthy hair growth.  

The Topp Care team further explained that this timeframe coincides with our body's peak cell regeneration period, and being in deep sleep will promote overall cell renewal. 

(Sorry mum, I’ve heard you share this multiple times and always thought it was a myth.)

  • Singapore’s humid weather: Unfortunately, there is no way that we can avoid the humidity unless we stay in an air-conditioned room 24/7. Helen recommended the use of cold water on scalps to keep pores closed, allowing it to stay clean for a longer time as it will be less vulnerable to grease. 

Apart from making lifestyle changes for a healthier scalp, Helen also recommended consistently doing Topp Care’s customised scalp treatment to manage sebum production and keep our scalp clean. 

She added that many people have the misconception that scalp treatments are short-term solutions for people with very serious scalp concerns. 

However, she emphasised the importance of consistently making an effort to prioritise scalp care in one’s self-care routine. 

Perhaps it’s time we prioritise our scalp care and treat such scalp treatments like how we view our skincare (e.g. facial treatments) that we do frequently as part of our self-care routine. 

Time for the hair treatment 

Step 1: Customised Deep Cleansing Mask

The first step of treatment was a deep cleansing mask that is customised to address the specific hair concerns of different individuals. 

Image via Ong Li Xin

As Berlinda has oily scalp and clogged pores, Helen applied the dead sea scalp mask, which is said to draw out accumulated oil and dead sea clogged in the hair follicles. 

I was curious to know how this mask is different from the hair mask purchased at stores and Helen explained that the mask’s key ingredients — essential minerals and black mud — not only has a detoxifying effect but also helps to strengthen scalp health in the long-run. 

During the process, Helen also emphasised that this routine is similar to our daily makeup removal and should be done occasionally to prevent excess sebum and oily scalp. 

Image via Berlinda Ang

The mud mask was left on the scalp for 20 minutes, with Berlinda describing the experience as “pleasantly cooling”.

Step 2: Botanical hair wash tutorial and hair fall ampoule 

Image via Berlinda Ang

After 20 minutes of the deep cleansing mask, it was time to wash it off.

During the hair wash, Helen also shared some tips on how she can improve her overall scalp health by ensuring that she is equipped with proper hair washing techniques. 

I found it interesting when she mentioned that many customers actually do not know the proper way of washing their hair, which has caused their scalp condition to worsen overtime. 

If you’re not sure, here’s a round-up of the specialist’s hair wash tips:

  • Use the right temperature: We should always wet our hair with lukewarm water before applying shampoo to open our hair cuticles. Afterwhich, we should rinse off the conditioner with cold water to close them.  
  • More is not always better: It is common to be tempted to put copious amounts of shampoo on our hair but this will require more water to rinse off. Incomplete rinsing off can lead to product build-up and even irritation. Instead, we should start by lathering the shampoo on our palm and add more only if necessary. 
  • Target the root of the problem: More often than not, the scalp and hair roots are where the bacteria, oils and dirt is hiding. Instead of focusing on the ends, let’s focus on the root of the problem by washing our scalp thoroughly (perfect opportunity to give yourself a head massage)! 

As I was (discreetly) eavesdropping on the conversation, I couldn't help but be thoroughly impressed by Helen's exceptional service. 

Apart from meticulously explaining to Berlinda the rationale behind each step of the treatment, she also gave her suggestions on how she can switch her routine up to transform the fate of her scalp. 

After the detailed hair wash tutorial, the scalp specialist sprayed leave-in conditioner on Berlinda’s hair before blow drying it.

Helen also applied a customised anti-hair fall ampoule, highlighting its function to energise the scalp and promote hair growth. 

Image via Ong Li Xin

To enhance the lotion’s absorption, she also gave Berlinda an acupressure-point scalp massage, which is meant to increase blood flow to her hair follicles to ensure maximised benefits. (Getting a massage during work hours = shiok.)

I guess the massage helped Berlinda momentarily forget her long list of unfinished tasks as she couldn’t stop gushing about how stress-relieving the massage was.

Step 3: Hair Growth Laser 

Image via Ong Li Xin

The final step of the treatment involved an 18-minute hair growth laser session that resembled wearing a bicycle helmet. 

According to Topp Care, their treatment utilises the science of hair regrowth to: 

  1. Improve thinning hair
  2. Stimulate hair growth 
  3. Increase density and fullness
  4. Revitalise damaged hair 

This helmet-looking machine utilises low-level laser energy to stimulate the micro-vessels within the scalp, enhancing blood circulation to deliver a greater flow of nutrients, and oxygen directly to the hair follicle. 

As a self-professed tech n00b, these terms flew right over my head. 

Instead, I was more curious to see if there were any visible transformations in Berlinda’s hair and scalp. 

Final verdict of the treatment 

After the treatment, Helen brought Berlinda and I back to the room for another round of scalp scanning. 

I was genuinely surprised to see the stark difference between the pre-treatment and post-treatment scans. 

Scalp scan results (Left: Pre-treatment, Right: Post-treatment). Image via Topp Care. 

The scan results clearly showed a remarkable difference as there were no longer oil build-ups on Berlinda’s scalp and her scalp’s pores were unclogged. 

While the scalp scan showed vast improvements, Helen also highlighted that consistent scalp treatments should be done to maintain scalp health. 

Apart from the scalp scans, I also observed that her hair looked smoother than it did throughout the past year. 

Berlinda admiring her less frizzy hair.
Image via Ong Li Xin.

Despite being a sceptic, the visible result after just one treatment session really changed my perception of the effectiveness of scalp treatments. 

When I asked Berlinda for her thoughts on the self-care experience at Topp Care, she shared that she was satisfied with Helen’s attention to details and appreciated her willingness to share her expertise, ensuring that her customers receive the best experience during the hair & scalp treatment. 

With a huge emphasis on self-care in recent years, we agreed with Helen that scalp care should be a part of everyone’s self-care routine to not only ensure that we look good but also feel good about our hair. 

If you have been wanting to incorporate a scalp treatment into your routine, this is the perfect opportunity for you to try out Topp Care’s Customised Scalp Detox Treatment.

All new sign-ups can enjoy a S$40 trial promo + S$10 NTUC Fairprice voucher.

This sponsored article by Topp Care Hair Solutions made this writer wish that she was the one who went for the hair & scalp treatment instead. 

Top images via Ong Li Xin