Car hit cyclist who tried to beat red light at Fullerton Road pedestrian crossing

The bicycle was flung across 2 lanes.

Fiona Tan| October 09, 2023, 07:08 PM

A car struck a cyclist with such force along Fullerton Road it sent the bicycle flying across two lanes.

Footage of the incident was captured on the dashboard camera of a vehicle travelling along the road on Sunday, Oct. 8, at about 5pm.The video showed several pedestrians making their way across the crossing towards One Fullerton.

Once the last pedestrian made it across, the red light turned green, signalling the right of way for vehicles along the road to proceed.

However, a cyclist was then seen riding along the pedestrian crossing from right to left, and failing to conform to the change in traffic light signal, but the vehicles on the road remained in stationary position to allow the cyclist to proceed.

A Toyota Sienta that was travelling along the left-most lane did not stop or slow down, as the cyclist riding across the road from the right was likely in the motorist's blind spot.

When the cyclist got hit, the green light for the vehicles to proceed had been on for about 6 seconds.

The cyclist could be seen lying motionless on the road following the collision.

Other vehicles had to drive around the bicycle on the second-right most lane.

The driver of the Toyota was seen alighting from his vehicle to assist the cyclist.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force said they were alerted to a road traffic accident along Fullerton Road on Sunday at about 5:10pm.

One person was conveyed to the Singapore General Hospital.

Top photos via SG Road Vigilante