2 S'pore police officers interdicted & on half-pay after allegedly taking money from suspects under investigation

MHA said the interdiction was consistent with how other police officers in a similar situation have been dealt with.

Fiona Tan| September 18, 2023, 11:16 PM

Two Singapore Police Force (SPF) officers charged with taking monies from persons under investigation have been interdicted from duty while on half-pay, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) stated on Sep. 18, 2023.


The two men, Mohamed Bin Mohamed Jalil and Mohamad Danial Bin Mohamad Nazali, allegedly misappropriated monies taken from suspects under investigation, according to an SPF Aug. 11 news release.

This was while carrying out their official duties as police officers.

SPF said that Mohamed and Danial's alleged acts came to light following proactive, regular case reviews and due diligence probes conducted by SPF on the financial status of its officers.

Case details

Mohamed allegedly misappropriated restitution monies collected from an accused person over four years between 2013 and 2017 while investigating a case under his charge in 2012.

He was arrested on Jul. 13, 2020 and interdicted three days later on Jul. 16.

Meanwhile, Danial was alleged to have misappropriated restitution monies collected from accused persons and proceeds of crime seized for forfeiture to the State.

He also allegedly forged acknowledgement receipts on multiple occasions to make it appear to his supervisor that restitution processes were followed.

He was arrested on Oct. 17, 2020 and interdicted three days later on Oct. 22.

In addition, Danial was found to have been moonlighting as a taxi driver while under interdiction. He also allegedly evaded parking charges on multiple occasions between Nov. 3, 2021, and Feb. 18, 2022, according to a report lodged on Oct. 13, 2022.

Both Mohamed and Danial were charged with criminal breach of trust by a public servant on Aug. 11, 2023.

Interdicted with half-pay

Both men have been interdicted on half-pay, MHA shared in a written reply to a question by Progress Singapore Party (PSP) Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Hazel Poa on the case.

Poa had asked when investigations into these two officers commenced, when their salaries were cut, and by how much.

MHA said investigations for Mohamed and Danial began on the day of their respective arrests, on Jul. 13, 2020 and Oct. 17, 2020, respectively.

It added that Mohamed and Danial's interdictions were consistent with how other police officers facing similar situations had been dealt with.

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Top image by Fiona Tan