13 southern parks in S'pore to be enhanced, including 3 'Destination Parks' with unique features

The planned Destination Parks are HortPark, Labrador Nature Park and West Coast Park.

Ashley Tan| September 16, 2023, 10:53 AM

13 parks in the southern region of Singapore will be enhanced to provide more nature-based recreation opportunities, the National Parks Board (NParks) announced on Sep. 16.

With these enhancements, themed trails will connect the 13 parks.

Three of the 13 parks, HortPark, Labrador Nature Park and West Coast Park, will be transformed into Destination Parks "with thematic identities and unique features".

These enhancements are part of the ongoing transformation of Singapore’s southern region.

The 13 parks are:

  1. Alexandra Nature Park
  2. Berlayer Creek Nature Park
  3. Clementi Woods Park
  4. HortPark
  5. Kent Ridge Park
  6. Labrador Nature Park
  7. Mount Faber Park
  8. Park at Keppel Club
  9. Park at King’s Dock
  10. Pasir Panjang Park
  11. New extension of Pasir Panjang Park
  12. Telok Blangah Hill Park
  13. West Coast Park

Alexandra Nature Park, Berlayer Creek Nature Park, the park at Keppel Club, and the park at King’s Dock are new parks previously announced to be part of the new Labrador Nature Park Network.

Photo from NParks

Destination Parks

According to NParks, Destination Parks are "large, distinctive regional parks developed thematically to attract Singaporeans from all over the island".

Three existing Destination Parks are Admiralty Park, East Coast Park and Lakeside Garden at Jurong Lake Gardens.

In time to come, HortPark will be enhanced as an evolving gardening and lifestyle hub.

The enhanced Labrador Nature Park will be a key node in the Labrador Nature Park Network, and ecological corridors will link to various biodiversity sites within the network.

Considering the significance of the park as an important historical site formerly used by the British for coastal defence, NParks will study the restoration of the former gun battery at Berlayer Hill.

Meanwhile, the enhanced West Coast Park will be positioned as the western gateway to the Greater Southern Waterfront.

The park will have different zones to provide a variety of experiences for nature lovers, fitness enthusiasts and the community.

The enhancements will also help to strengthen ecological connectivity — the enhanced HortPark and Labrador Nature Park will serve as green buffers for Labrador Nature Reserve.

Public engagement

NParks will be consulting the public to gather feedback on the design of the three planned Destination Parks.

Public engagement sessions will be held over the next few months, the first of which will take place from Sep. 23 to 24 at West Coast Park's Parks Festival.

NParks will review the public's ideas to see how it can incorporated into the development plans.

Those interested in participating in the engagement sessions can express their interest here.

Top photo from NParks