Tharman: 'Difficult & challenging' future we're facing the reason I'm running for presidency

Tharman delivered his speech after being named as a candidate for the 2023 Presidential Election.

Gawain Pek| August 22, 2023, 01:12 PM

"It will be a more difficult and challenging future that we face, which is the reason why I have entered this contest," presidential candidate Tharman Shanmugaratnam said after he was given the green light to to stand in the 2023 presidential election.

The former deputy prime minister and senior minister submitted his nomination papers at the People's Association Headquarters on Aug. 22 and was cheered on by his supporters.

'It will be a different future': Tharman

During his post-nomination thank-you speech, Tharman cited the challenges ahead, and said it is why he has chosen to stand for election.

"It is a future that we are concerned about, and friends, it will be a different future," Tharman said.

The statesman shared that in light of this, he entered the contest to offer his experiences in service of the country:

"It will be a more difficult and challenging future that we face, which is the reason why I have entered this contest, to offer all my experience and capabilities on the ground for a few decades, nationally and internationally. So that I can serve Singaporeans in the role of president with all my heart in the years to come. It is the future."

Besides making a case for why he has chosen to run for president, Tharman also thanked his fellow candidates — Ng Kok Song and Tan Kin Lian — as well as his and their supporters.

"I want to also thank all the supporters who are here today, those who are here to support me as well as those who are here to support my fellow candidates for coming forward. I know you're standing in the sun for a while. Thank you very much for coming forward."

The former minister concluded his speech by sharing that he looks forward to a "fair and honorable campaign" that seeks to "unite Singaporeans", rather than a divisive one.

Supporters in maroon

The presidential aspirant arrived at the nomination centre at the People's Association Headquarters in Jalan Besar on the morning of Aug. 22 to much fanfare from his supporters.

Tharman's supporters were mostly decked out in maroon apparel as a show of unity, some of them told Mothership.

Tharman entered the nomination centre alongside his wife, Jane Ittogi.

Singaporean filmmaker Royston Tan was also seen with Tharman as he was one of the candidate's assenters.

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Top image via Mothership, CNA/YouTube