Ng Kok Song says he is a non-partisan candidate, has 45 years experience in public service

He said he had years of experience "investing reserves" at GIC and the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Hannah Martens| August 24, 2023, 07:13 PM

On the presidential candidate broadcast aired on Aug. 24, 2023, presidential candidate Ng Kok Song identified himself as a "non-partisan candidate".

He said he "strongly believes" that it was time for the elected president to be one who had not belonged to and was not endorsed by any political party.

"The president should be independent of any political party so that the president can exercise his important responsibilites without fear or favour."

Says "ownself check ownself" is "not reliable"

Ng pointed out that past elected presidents had affiliations to or endorsed by the ruling political party, unlike him.

He added that the elected president must be "above the partisan of politics of Parliament" so that "independent, abled men and women" may "rise up to the occasion".

"Singapore can longer take for granted that we will always have good and honest government," Ng said, adding that an "ownself check ownself" system is "not reliable". "We need an external check functioning like an independent external auditor in good corporate governance."

45 years of experience in public service

While Ng said he is "not endorsed by the government or any political parties", he pointed out that he had 45 years of experience in public service and "investing reserves" at GIC and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

"I have spent my life building GIC as a world-class institution and steered it through many crises and complex economic realities," Ng said, adding that he had "led the development of Singapore’s financial services industry".

"I will bring to bear the experience needed to safeguard our treasures and the commitment to build up Singapore’s institutional independence."

Pledge to work 'constructively and impartially' with the government

Ng pledged to work "constructively and impartially" with the government.

"I will not engage in megaphone diplomacy, but neither will I shy away from asking important questions, however difficult those may be," Ng said, explaining that he understands "how the government machinery works" and knows "how to be involved effectively without being disruptive".

In addition, Ng pledged to give voice to the youth, the elderly, and vulnerable communities so that "no one may be left behind in Singapore's progress".

Ng concluded by calling Singaporeans to take a "decisive step" to strengthen the constitutional governance of Singapore, reiterating that he is a "non-partisan candidate".

"We may have our differences of views and political affiliations, but differences must not become divisions in our society.

There are many things we can do together as a society to help those in need and the underprivileged.

We must stay united for the future."

The next presidential candidate broadcast is slated to air on Aug. 30, 2023.

Top photo via Mediacorp