Cyclist, who didn't have right of way, hit by van in Kallang & got up a la Spider-Man


Julia Yee| August 01, 2023, 06:58 PM

A cyclist got lucky breaking traffic rules when he disobeyed the red light at Kallang Road and failed.

The incident was captured on a motorist's dashcam and uploaded onto Facebook.


The accident took place on Jul. 31, 2023 at about 7:30am.

A man on a bicycle was seen riding towards the pedestrian crossing at the junction of Kampong Bugis and Kallang Road.

Despite the traffic light displaying the red man, the cyclist on the pedestrian walkway showed no sign of slowing as he rode onto the road.

It was at this moment that an oncoming van slammed into the cyclist, which sent him flying.

Fortunately, the fallen cyclist was able to break his fall by doing a roll that ended in him catching himself on his feet and standing up — Spider-Man style.

Comment on SGRV's video.

Many criticised the cyclist for his recklessness and failure to wear a helmet.

Comment on SGRV's video.

The man was later seen walking to pick up his bicycle, while the van's driver exited the vehicle to check on him.

A motorcyclist also stopped to check on the cyclist.

Helmet rule

Regarding his lack of proper equipment, the cyclist wasn't exactly in the wrong for riding without a helmet.

The Land Transport Authority's mandatory helmet rule only applies to cyclists riding on roads, where failure to wear a helmet can result in a fine of up to S$1,000 and/ or three-months jail time upon conviction for the first offence.

The rule doesn't apply to cyclists who are crossing the road to get from one public path to another.

Cyclists are "strongly advised" to wear helmets for their own safety though.

All images and gifs via SGRV Front Man