Candidate broadcasts aired on TV, rallies not encouraged for upcoming 2023 Presidential Election: ELD

There will also be a televised Presidential Forum and a video where presidential candidates answer questions from younger Singaporeans.

Hannah Martens| August 12, 2023, 01:12 PM

These two blocks of airtime will be made across the 19 Mediacorp TV channels, and Mediacorp SPH and SoDrama! Radio channels, said the Elections Department from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

There will also be a televised Presidential Forum and a video where presidential candidates answer questions from younger Singaporeans.

Rallies are not encouraged, and there will be no designated rally sites for Presidential Election Candidates, said the Elections Department.

“Presidential Candidate Broadcasts”

Each candidate will be allocated two blocks of 10 minutes’ airtime, free of charge, to make their statements.

Mediacorp will record and broadcast these statements as a “Presidential Candidate Broadcast”.

The first “Presidential Candidate Broadcast” will be televised on Aug. 24, 2023, and the second “Presidential Candidate Broadcast” will be aired on Aug. 30, 2023.

Candidates may use all or any of the four official languages to deliver their campaigning messages during the “Presidential Candidate Broadcasts”.

Forums with candidates

Mediacorp’s Presidential Forum will be broadcast live on CNA on Aug. 28, 2023, with live streams on CNA’s YouTube and Facebook page.

There will be a repeat telecast of the Forum on Channel 5 on Aug. 29, 2023.

SPH Media Trust will also release a video of presidential candidates answering questions from younger Singaporeans on their website and social media platforms on Aug. 27, 2023.

Singaporeans take to the polls on Sep. 1

On Aug. 11, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong issued the Writ of Election for the 2023 Presidential Election.

Nomination Day will take place on Aug. 22, and the nomination will be held at the People’s Association at 9 King George’s Avenue.

Prospective candidates must submit their documents and nomination paper at this location between 11am and 12pm.

If more than one candidate is nominated on Nomination Day, the returning officer will declare Sep. 1 to be Polling Day.

Polling Day will also be a public holiday.

What campaign materials can voters expect to see during the campaign period

Online campaigning

As online campaigning is another way for candidates to reach out to voters, such as publishing election advertising on social media platforms, websites and emails, candidates must comply with the rules for Online Election Advertising in the Presidential Elections Act 1991 and Presidential Elections (Election Advertising) Regulations 2023.

This is to ensure transparency and accountability.

Candidates are encouraged to use platforms such as TV broadcasts and social media to reach voters.

Publication of exit polls and election surveys

The publication of results of election surveys and exit polls, such as polls on who voters are likely to vote for or have voted for, is not allowed from the day the Writ of Election is issued until Polling Day.

Election meetings — rallies and assembly centres

Rallies are not encouraged, and there will be no designated rally sites for Presidential Election Candidates, said the Elections Department.

Citing election meetings by nature and format "may be divisive and not congruent with the unifying role" of the Elected Presidency, candidates who wish to hold election meetings will need to obtain approval of the premises or site owner before applying for a police permit.

Due to safety and security considerations, candidates are encouraged to hold such rallies, if any, at sports stadiums or indoor venues.

Application for a police permit may only be submitted after the closing of nomination proceedings. It must be submitted at least two days before the intended date of the election meeting.

Perambulating vehicles

Candidates may use vehicles to broadcast pre-recorded election messages during the campaign period, and they must apply for and obtain a police permit.

Candidates cannot give speeches from vehicles or provide public entertainment during the broadcast.

Public display of traditional election advertising

Candidates may campaign using banners, flags and posters as long as they comply with the controls on quantity, size, location, manner of and period of display and any further conditions stated in the Returning Officer's permit.

Cooling-off period

A cooling-off period where all campaigning must stop will be observed starting from the eve of Polling Day and ending when polls close on Polling Day.

Election financing

Candidates must keep within the election expenses limit stipulated in the Presidential Elections Act 1991.

The maximum spending limit for election expenses is S$600,000 or S$0.30 per elector on the Register of Electors, whichever is the greater.

As of Aug. 11, 2023, based on the number of electors in the registers, the election expenses limit for the 2023 Presidential Election is S$812,822.10.

Top photos via MCI and Google Street View